Chapter Eleven

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When I teleported to Silverleaf, I found myself near the border. Travel stones were immensely helpful for those without the magical ability to teleport, but they weren't as accurate as my own teleportation spell. I had to be mindful of my current limitations if I needed to use the travel stone further.

Nestled in the forest in a coastal location, Silverleaf was renowned for its serene beauty. The beach, just outside the forest, attracted visitors, and a luxurious resort overlooked the coastline only a few miles away. While I didn't mind that I didn't end up exactly where I wanted, I now stood closer to the popular beach than to Silverleaf and I was on the main trail that connected the two. Stealth became crucial.

Covering myself with my robe, I realized I hadn't washed it after changing. Although I could conceal myself to some extent, the bloodied robe made me stand out. Pulling my hood over my head and keeping it low, I focused on slipping into Silverleaf unnoticed.

"What happened to you?" The slithery hiss of a Lizari addressed me. The Lizari were known to inhabit the waters nearby the forest outskirts, so it wasn't unusual to see them. Glancing around, I assumed the question was directed at someone else, but I locked eyes with the creature. His phone was out, and he stared at me from only a few feet away. I kept walking, hoping to avoid drawing attention. Lizari were smart and instinctual—if he saw me as a threat, he might move forward to eliminate me.

"I'm talking to you." His menacing voice echoed through the forest. Twigs breaking behind me signaled his pursuit. When I looked around, I couldn't see him as he used camouflage magic to conceal himself. I kept my head low and quickened my pace. Without my magic, my options were limited, but...I could craft a potion. A veil elixir was the best choice, requiring ghostroot essence, shadow silk, mistwood leaves, silentium verdant, moonstone powder, and wisp essence. While I had most of the items on me, there was no time to brew anything. If I could lose him in the forest, consuming the silentium verdant would allow me to move undetected for future run-ins.

"Hey," the Lizari materialized in front of me. I stumbled back at the sudden appearance of his reptilian face. Then he commanded, "In place, thou art bound."

I froze, held in place by his spell. The good news was that he needed an incantation to use magic. It told me he lacked the mastery of magic or the raw power of someone from Silverleaf.

He shoved his face closer to mine, analyzing my own under the hood. "Aren't you Rhea?" 

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