Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Help you?" I didn't know how best to answer Est because I didn't know what I could do. I was running for my life from an enemy who embarrassingly made a mistake. I wasn't prepared to face Eris yet since I didn't know how to control what magic I did have. "I absolutely want to get revenge on Eris. I just can't. At least, not now."

"That's what we're here for." She smiled. "We all trained under Celeste at different points in our lives. We can train you just as she would've."

I glanced from Est to the man behind her. He made no indication of agreeing with her, nor any sense of emotion on his stoic face. Then I turned to face James. He offered a nod before adding, "You already know how I feel about it."

Sure, I did. James was the first one to indicate that Cybill was nuts and possibly lying. He needed my help just as much as I needed his. If they could help me become the most powerful witch with fire magic, I could help them too. Besides, being coven-less right now was terrifying. Having people I could rely on until I had my powers back was essential if I wanted to survive.

"I'm willing to try anything," I finally answered. "When do we get started?"

"Wait a minute," James said. "We're not repeating last night."

"What do you mean? I rested, just as requested."

"I mean that this isn't going to be fast, Rhea. You need to train. Start from day one as if you've never known magic before. We're going to start with the basics but, before we even get to that point, we need to determine a plan to keep you safe and hidden until you can defend yourself."

He was right. Without magic, I couldn't defend myself. And, without potion abilities like his own, I didn't have a backup other than relying on others. While I took that as a quick and easy form of safety, I could see how they could take that as a weakness. They'd have to watch out for me and themselves, making them more vulnerable to attacks. I did need safety, but so did they if we wanted to make it through this war.

"Concealment magic," the man behind Est answered.

"Good suggestion, Callisto." Est nudged him with her elbow. A tiny lip quiver indicated a small and very fast smirk on his face before returning to his normal unreadable expression.

"I'm worried about how long that will last." James shook his head. "I have no problem using it but Cybill seemed to catch on to something."

"You noticed that too?" I questioned, remembering how personal Cybill's demands felt when she tested my ability to use magic.

James sighed before answering, "It wasn't out of character from what I've seen so far, but it did seem excessive. I guess she could blame it on being safe or protective of the people of Silverleaf, especially as a new and random addition to the room. But, if she really can't prophesize—well, you were unexpected and could've proven to be dangerous to whatever game she's playing."

"I took it as she was looking for me, Rhea. Eris stole my magic, so I'd have none."

"Maybe that too," he acknowledged. "I don't know how deep it goes, but either way. We have to assume she finds you suspicious."

"Can't we just change the concealment magic, then? Not an old man but just an older woman?" Est asked.

"I don't think that's wise to change people Cybill has seen." James rubbed his temples with his index and middle fingers on both sides of his face. "We have to assume any newcomer would be faced with the same level of scrutiny. It might be in our favor to use the same face."

"I'd rather not be an old man, to be honest, but I'll accept anything at this point." I raised my hand, trying to make light of the moment. No one responded and I felt the joke fell flat. Especially as someone who typically did care about public opinion, they probably thought I was more serious than I was. They only know me as Rhea from Deadly Witches, even though I barely know who that is anymore.  

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