Chapter Seven

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I scanned the room for whatever "it" was, but there were no signs of anyone or anything else in the room with us. The pool of blood surrounding her feet was unsettling, and I didn't feel as though I had the time to assess the room without properly helping her. Using telekinesis, I focused on the shackles binding the girl and released her while keeping my distance. She fell to the ground into her pool of blood. I rolled a healing potion in her direction.

"What's 'it'?" I questioned her as I began looking around. She drank from the potion provided without responding to me. "Hey? Are you listening? What's the 'it' that's coming?"

"Thank you." She continued to sit in her own blood, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. I felt it in the air, in my bones, and in the promise I made to Celeste never to come to Dreadshade Summit. Her head hung low as she looked down, her beautiful hair soaked up the blood and covered her face. It was hard to hear her muffled sentence as she repeated herself, "It's coming."

The door I had entered through was still locked shut. Through the fog the walls seemed rounded, suggesting the room was circular. From what I could tell, the door I entered was the only way in or out. But fog is nothing more than water, and I could manipulate it just as I would any other elemental water magic. I concentrated on the fog around me, slowly dispersing it, getting a clearer picture of the room, which was no larger than a stadium. It was circular, and the walls were made from brick, reminiscent of being inside a castle.

While I was focused on clearing the fog and searching for answers, the girl got closer. I noticed her movement out of the corner of my eye and tried to pull away, but it was too late. She grabbed onto my arm, and it started to burn. I attempted to wiggle free, but it didn't work. Her grip, even though I'd battled countless monsters, was the strongest I'd ever felt. She quickly grabbed onto my other arm with her free hand, and both of our eyes started glowing as my vision became blurry.

My head uncontrollably tilted up. With my mouth open wide and my body rigid, I heard her speak in a foreign tongue. Without the ability to move, the only thing I had left was my own power—the strongest Silverleaf had ever seen. Power that, according to prophecy, would result in me becoming the most powerful witch in fire magic. Maybe it was my own natural confidence, or perhaps it was fate, but I was ready to fight back with every ounce of magic within me.  

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