Chapter Forty-Four

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Anyone can manipulate the weather if they just knew how. The sentence stuck with me. Had I manipulated the weather before? Sure, but that was when I still had full use of my powers. I hadn't paid close enough attention to how I was doing it. It felt like second nature. Still, would it be possible for me now to manipulate the weather?

"I'd be interested in learning," I offered.

"You?" She looked back at me and tilted her head. While I'd never met queen Thalassia before, it didn't mean she hadn't seen or heard about me before. "Are you not Rhea?"

"I am." I answered her question and then paused for a moment. I needed to be careful of how I phrased my response. Even if the people of Coralis were going to help Silverleaf and were ready to wage war against Eris just as we were, I wasn't sure I wanted them to know that I didn't have my powers. Showing my face was already a risk, if they knew I was powerless it could put me in danger. So I answered her as truthfully as I could, "I don't pay attention when I use my magic. It's second nature, almost unfair, really. I'd want to learn from a master how to actually manipulate the weather."

"Ah." She smiled. Whether she truly believed me or not, it felt like the answer I gave was convincing enough not to raise any flags.

The double doors to the throne room opened back up and the two of us turned at the sound. The three leaders walked out, James leading the way, before turning back to the two behind him and extending a hand. All three of them shook while exchanging pleasantries about how nice it was to meet the other.

"Please, stay the night." King Cetus opened his arms as he spoke. It was with the enthusiasm of a man who had gotten what he wanted. Of course, that didn't mean James also didn't get what he wanted, but he wasn't one to wear his emotions on his sleeve. It felt strange that I could already indicate something like that about him in such a short amount of time. James was easy to read for someone who was so difficult to read.

"Rhea." James looked at me. "Would you like to stay the night?"

It didn't feel like a loaded question, nor did it sound like one. It felt like he genuinely wanted to know if I felt comfortable staying in Coralis longer than was absolutely necessary. I certainly didn't mind the change of scenery from the Vault and one night wouldn't change the shape of the war we were already in. Besides, I had more I wanted to learn from queen Thalassia, if given the opportunity.

"Sure." I nodded. "Let's stay the night."  

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