Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was hesitant to face him. I felt vulnerable with James; he knew I needed sanctuary but didn't fully know the circumstances. He could be using that limited knowledge to make a judgement call and, if he did believe Cybill, turn against me. Instead, against my better judgement, or maybe just holding onto hope that someone will help me, I faced him, ready to hear what he had to say and praying he thought she was just as crazy as I did.

I folded my arms and prodded for more information, "Go on."

"After you left, Cybill made the claim that she knew what was going to happen as she was born with the ability to prophesize outside of Silverleaf... I had to listen to her claims, anyone would." He added the last line as if he thought he had to defend his actions.

"Sure," I agreed with a nod.

"She's been right about everything." He looked around as if he was afraid of someone coming up the stairs to hear us. "But it seems too orchestrated. To be right about so much in such a short amount of time. Not even Celeste prophesized that frequently. Have you heard of anyone in Silverleaf to do so? It seems like someone who knows enough about the ability to prophesize without actually knowing how it works."

"So, you think she's in on it?" I questioned.

"I don't know what to think. I have a lot of people depending on me and I don't know what to do. I've tried contacting Celeste but she's not answering." I hoped that statement wasn't as ominous as it sounded. With Silverleaf on the brink of war and the surrounding areas destroyed it seemed as though Celeste's lack of respondse meant she'd passed away. "I know you came here looking for her. Did she ask you to? Has she contacted you? Even any time in the months leading up to now?"

"No," I acknowledged. "And I have no way of contacting her."

"Damn." He sighed.

I had a feeling that if Celeste were alive, she'd answer for me. She'd know that this was all my doing. I broke my promise and a couple of ribs in the process. I needed to get back to the vault, but I was ready to do my part if it got me in contact with Celeste, "If you have a way to contact her, I'd be happy to try."

"Thank you. Look, I know you've got some stuff going on and it seems to be related with the city's lockdown, but it would be really helpful if you, as one of Celeste's most well-known and powerful apprentices, helped the city of Silverleaf. Maybe you could help us in whatever fight we have."

It was a thoughtful invite and he probably thought I'd easily accept a chance to get revenge on the person who tried to kill me. Except, James had no idea just how bad it was. Just how frightened I was. Just how magicless I was. I was faced with my own mortality for the first time and had my only true form of protection taken away. The only way I survive this war is if I keep my identity protected and stay out of trouble.

"Look, I wish—"

I tried to decline his offer as politely and discretely as possible when we heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I shut my mouth and looked toward the stairs, monitoring for who would be joining us. Cybill and Est were climbing the stairs together, arm in arm, as if they were two sisters who had been together for decades. It was difficult to see, especially as one of Celeste's apprentices, I'd never want Est to follow someone with such extreme and harmful views as human sacrifices.

"I'll see you later." I took a step away from James, hoping to create distance from any connection Cybill could use to get a closer look at me. Regardless of the protective magic, if Cybill really was powerful, she'd be able to determine my true identity, just as Est had.

"I wouldn't leave this building if I were you," Cybill warned. "There are wraiths out there."  

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