Chapter Fifteen

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"Excuse me." A woman with a bowler hat stopped as she became parallel to us on the main path. "Is everything alright over there?"

James's face contorted, as if he needed time to think of an answer. I resisted the urge to immediately turn and hide myself from the woman to avoid drawing attention to the act. Instead, I slowly adjusted my hood as if I was fixing my hair underneath. James let go of my arms and waved his hand in front of my face before hiding the action by pushing back a strand of hair. The motion was so smooth that, given the distance between us and the woman, she hopefully didn't notice James using magic to hide my identity. He nodded at me before turning to the woman.

The woman stood out, unlike most people in Silverleaf. She wore a business suit, like someone you'd expect from a big city. Short, shoulder-length hair framed her thin face. She looked like a model, even in that ugly suit. Given the emergency alerts, I knew that an outsider would raise a red flag for James. It did for me too.

"Just two friends practicing magic," James reassured her. "Carry on."

"Wonderful." She interlaced her hands together over her chest, almost as if she really was that excitable. But she didn't continue on her way. Instead, she took a step closer toward us before raising one hand dramatically in the air and flicking her hand as if calling out to us. "Perhaps you can help me. I'm looking for the leader of the coven."

"Can I help you?" He crossed his arms across his chest and faced the woman directly. I adjusted my body to face hers as well but took a step to the side so that James stood in between us. Without any way to defend myself, I had to use James as a human shield if things went south.

"Is it you?" The woman looked him up and down. Then, in what I could only imagine was some display of power, she matched James's pose.

"Who's askin'?" James responded. His voice was gruff as he spoke.

"Call me Cybill." She held out her arm. It hung there as if she waited for him to take her hand and kiss it. James held his position and she pulled it away with a small giggle before continuing, "While you might not understand now, you're going to be very thankful to meet me. If I may, I'd like to request a private meeting with you."

"Now's not a good time." He opened one arm as if to shoo her back out of town the way she came. "We're in the middle of—"

"Closing your boarders?" She mused. "Please, go right ahead. Like I said, you'll be thankful to meet me. I'm the only one who can protect this land better than its inhabitants."

James was speechless, not like that meant too much. I was speechless too. She either read his mind or knew his plan. I was curious to know what she had to offer as well. If she knew about the enemy, it could give me a chance at figuring out how to protect myself.

She slowly turned her head back to me. I tilted my head down, still unsure of what protection James offered me and not wanting to risk getting caught. When I refused to make eye contact, she turned back to James before saying, "I'd rather not talk in mixed company."

As soon as I determined she was facing James again, I looked up to gauge his reaction as best I could. He didn't let anything show. It was a smart move; we didn't know if this woman was friend or foe. James needed to hold his cards close until he figured it out.

"Hey," James made eye contact with me. I didn't know what my face looked like to Cybill, but at least I knew I wasn't recognizable as Rhea. "I'll catch up with you later. I'm going to take her to La Voisin."

"Enjoy." I tried to mask my voice as I answered. I appreciated that he wasn't going to bring her to the Vault of Oracles. While outsiders might've known about it and its private nature, it wasn't a place openly talked about in front of them and only few have ever been allowed entry. With them occupied elsewhere, it was still a place I could lay low in safety. On the other hand, outsiders would've known about La Voisin. It was a cool bar in the back of a potion shop with niche drinks. It didn't slip past me that it was often considered exclusive, with private entry that guaranteed a smaller crowd. If he needed to vet someone out, La Voisin was a good choice and it wouldn't raise any flags for Cybill either.   

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