Chapter Twenty-Three

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Holy shit she's nuts.

I had a feeling there was something wrong about Cybill, but I didn't expect her to be a complete psychopath. Her response to the situation was not normal protocol, not even slightly. Raise the barriers, sure. But raising the barriers to protect the people, not to keep a select group of people out or use them as a sacrifice.

It made me wonder what she was "right" about. Whatever it was, it elevated her opinion amongst the people and that was what I missed before I got here.

"Wait a minute," James spoke up at her response. He stood up himself and crossed his arms, just as he had before. "We don't do that here."

"You say that now," Cybill responded with a smirk. "But time will tell."

"What did I miss?" I quietly asked the bartender. While I wasn't sure about the others, I knew at least he had to originally be from Silverleaf to own and operate a building within city limits.

He leaned in and whispered, almost as if he didn't want Cybill or anyone else to hear him speak, "The witch who was resurrected from the caves of Dreadshade Summit and destroyed Veridara attempted to breach Silverleaf's barriers but was unsuccessful. This lady right here warned us about the attack in time."

Well, he was partially right. I notified James of the attack first, but Cybill came right after me. I didn't mind that she took the credit so I could keep my identity a secret, but I did mind that she was using it to gain clout amongst the people.

"Is that all?" I questioned. Surely there had to be more. I didn't expect James to tell the people that Cybill helped protect them so openly. I expected a more united front from the leader of the coven and its more senior members.

"Looks like the Lizari just got taken out." He looked down at his phone as if he was reading something on it. "That's what Cybill said would happen next. Said she had a prophecy. That would be two correct prophecies she's had. And the kicker? She wasn't born here."

"That's not possible," I countered. "No one who isn't—"

"Ehh." He shrugged his shoulders. "Not probable."

"Semantics. No one who isn't—"

x"No," he cut me off. "I'll let you in on a little secret. You know that celebrity girl who sometimes is on TV with that Deadly Witches coven?"

"Yes." I knew he was talking about me, and I knew exactly the point he was about to make.

"She might lie about it, but she's from Silverleaf and she can't prophesize. If it can happen one way, who's to say it can't happen in reverse?"

He was right and I had no counter argument for him. If that was the case, I would be more understanding of why James followed Cybill's commands so blindly. Just like I was the most powerful witch Silverleaf had ever seen, maybe Cybill was the same.

I looked back at Cybill, who continued to entertain the crowd with similar sentiments. I shook my head, knowing now that the test might not have been to see if I was Rhea, but to see if I was magicless so she could personally kick me out. Either way, she was completely nuts and my magicless ass needed to get away from her before she realized who I actually was.  

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