Chapter Nineteen

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"You must have me confused with someone else. I'm just a passerby," I replied.

"Right," she winked. I didn't respond, but I took it as confirmation that I wasn't as paranoid as I thought. Maybe Est really did know who I was. She turned around and faced the rest of the room, "Relax, the news reports said it was a young and beautiful witch, right? This old man isn't the one we're worried about."

I cleared my throat at her response as I put Celeste's robe back on and she turned and smiled at me. The more she interacted with me, the more it confirmed that she not only knew I tried to conceal my identity, but that I was, in fact, Rhea. I wondered if Est found pleasure in teasing me.

When I felt safe under the comfort of Celeste's robe, I looked at the crowd in front of me. They were terrified, huddled together in groups, with what looked to be the strongest of warriors closest to the front of the room by the entrance. I saw fighters, wielders of weapons imbued with magic, who were prepared for close contact battle. Those further in the back of the room were the stronger witches and mages, those armed with magic, ready to cast a spell from afar.

I continued to look through the crowd for James, hoping he was still with Cybill and interested to see how conversations were going. Just as I found their table, Cybill spoke up, "He is not the one." The entire room turned to see the person who so confidently made that comment. People murmured at her response as if they still didn't fully believe her. She continued, "Were there reports that she changed shape?"

"No," a few answered her as they looked me up and down. One even grabbed onto my arm and, while I'd typically push him away, I knew better than to give a strong reaction. Not just to protect myself from suspicion, but I needed to hear what else was going on.

James sat next to Cybill, unharmed. The concern I had for him was obviously unfounded, and for a brief moment, I felt excited. Maybe Cybill did have a way to get out of this mess.

"Does this person practice magic?" Cybill continued. Then she looked at me, almost as if daring me to do something. "My dear sir, cast a spell."

I felt the hair on my body stand on edge. I didn't know who Cybill was, and I'm assuming Cybill never saw who I really was either. But, to request that I show whether I can use magic made it seem like Cybill was testing me. Me, Rhea, not me some fifty-year-old man. She commanded the room more than any other outsider I'd ever seen in Silverleaf. James whispered to a man sitting next to him as Cybill spoke again, "Cast a spell." 

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