Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Priorities, Rhea," Est laughed at me.

"That's not what I meant—" I tried to defend myself, but everyone started laughing and then I found myself laughing with them. It was as if, for a brief moment, things felt normal. I was judged like Rhea from Deadly Witches and not someone on the run. I like the feeling. It somehow felt like home even though Silverleaf hadn't been my home in a decade.

"I'm teasing you." Est smiled. "But I do agree, James. I hadn't thought about how Cybill might be watching us and keeping track of who we associate with. Sure, we don't know if she is. But she might be and that's enough for us to be cognizant of."

I stared at Est, that young girl when I left, had grown into a mature young woman. It made me feel old, but it also made me feel proud. I certainly had nothing to do with her growth after leaving, but Celeste's standards in apprentices were par none and it showed. I could use myself as an example, but James seemed like an even better one. I'd never met anyone so proficient in potions, not even his own mother. While I had no idea who Callisto was or what Celeste taught him, I could assume he's an ally I want on my side. Celeste chose the best of the best and I was lucky to be in their care.

"It would be easiest to keep you protected at all times," James said. "Instead of taking the concealment magic on and off."

I understood his point and wholeheartedly believed it, however, that moment of normalcy felt really comforting right now. I didn't want to lose that by losing my identity. Or forging relationships with these people that weren't true in nature. What if they forgot who I was and thought of me only as James's middle-aged friend? It wasn't that I needed to be thought of Rhea the sex symbol and b-list celebrity from the Deadly Witches, but it was nice not to be forgotten as such.

"Can I be myself when we're alone?" I requested. I looked down at my hands, unable to be confident in a request that I didn't fully agree with, but still wanted. "In the Vault, that is."

I couldn't convince myself to look up. If there were any conversations going on it was with their body language, and I wasn't privy to it without looking up. The silence felt like hours. Waves crashed into the glass, followed by the trickling sound of water pouring into the room through the weathered seal at the point of the crash.

"Sure." Est was the one to answer as she placed a hand on my own. "One of us will always make sure you feel like yourself."

I looked up to see that she was smiling at me, a welcoming smile, that made me wonder why I left Silverleaf to begin with. Was my life really better after I left? Or did I assume it was better because people knew me, recognized me, and loved me—I was popular. When in Silverleaf, it was hard to feel that way when your parents left you behind and everyone knew your history. I knew Celeste loved me and yet my mind told me she loved me out of pity. My self-worth was shot. I don't think I'd ever be the person I was today if it weren't for leaving and joining the Deadly Witches. Still, looking at Est reminded me that Silverleaf wasn't all that bad.

"James," Callisto suddenly said.

"I know," James answered, standing up at an unspoken command. "I need to go placate Cybill."  

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