Chapter 20

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Meeting Anne had been nothing of what I feared it would be. She was such a lovely lady. A wonderful mum. No wonder Harry was such an amazing person. She had told me I was always welcome to come over, and I already felt part of their family. I envied them somehow even though Harry had lost his father and Anne her husband. Their family was kind and loving everything that mine wasn't and I truly envied them for that.

Mum had called me and sent me a text letting me know they had left for the airport and that she loved me, but besides that I hadn't heard from them since I had left last night. It was however nice knowing I was going to spent the next week without any of their family drama.

I sent Maggie a message letting her know I was sorry about how I had reacted towards her. She didn't deserve that, and I felt bad about it. I was just mad and taking it out on her, yet so far she hadn't gotten back to me. Maybe because they were still in the air?

"What about these?" Jen said holding up a pair of black, lace knickers completely see through. Was this even going under the category of clothes?

I shook my head in no.

Jen and I had gone shopping since Harry had work at 2pm and I wanted to find some new underwear. I wanted something sexy, yet I wasn't ready to get completely out of my comfort zone.

"What about these then?" She hold on another pair similar to the other, and I shook my head once again.

"Why is it that you suddenly need new underwear anyway. What's wrong with the ones you have?"

I stayed silent not wanting to bring up that it was more for Harry than me. Yet, perhaps it would also make me feel more confident, so perhaps it was just as much for myself. I wanted to tell her about this morning, but I was also nervous for her reaction. She had told me to take things slow, and it seemed like that was the last thing I was doing. I didn't want her to judge me.

"Did you and Harry do it?" She raised her eyebrows at me, and I kept quiet once again knowing if I started speaking, I would most likely end up saying something I would regret just like I did so often.

"You did! You fucking did it."

I couldn't tell whether or not she was screaming out of excitement or spite, but whether or not she was happy for me or not, I had to let her know that in a matter of fact we had not had sex.

"No, Jen. We didn't," I said although for all I knew what we had done still went under the category of sex. I mean we had definitely done something sexual.

She looked somehow confused clearly knowing I was telling the truth, but maybe she was expecting me to somehow have changed from spending the night with Harry. I was taking things slow, Jen knew that. She should know I wasn't ready for sex yet. That was a major step and the consequences that could come out of it was not something I was ready for. 

"Well then why this sudden need to buy lingerie?"

I bit my lip, "I want something more sexy."

She raised her eyes at me as if I had two faces.


"Did you just say you want to buy something more sexy? You little miss innocent, who always do the right thing?"

"Why the tone of surprise? A second ago you thought we had already slept together."

"Still. This is from the girl who doesn't even own a thong or anything which I believe is remotely flattering," she teased. 


"Sorry, love, but do you disagree? I know you. Can't picture you in a corset with a lace thong and a pair of heels."

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