Chapter 21

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Being inside Harry's warm embrace calmed my quivering body. I had promised myself not to cry, but the events of this morning seemed too far away, and all I could think of was my aching heart. I wanted to tell Maggie off for hurting me like she had with her mean words, but nothing good would come out of making her feel bad too. So instead I cried letting my emotions fall free even though I hated to seem weak, but according to Harry it wasn't a sign of weakness, and somehow that made me feel better.

His hands kept rubbing my back in a soothing manner, and I didn't like the fact that he always seemed to be there for me. I should be there for him. He was the one who had lost such a dear person to him and not me. I was just a spoiled kid upset that Maggie got special treatment when I didn't. I was so selfish.

"Thank you," it was two small words, yet it was the only thing I could think of saying to show my appreciation towards him.

He pulled me back a little to get a look at my face and wiped away my silent tears. "It's okay to cry. However I like your smile so much better." He smiled at me and awaited my reaction. I gave him a small smile in return, but at the moment it wasn't genuine.

My stomach growled and he gave me a worried look. "Sorry."

"When was the last time you ate anything?" He didn't seem to acknowledge my apology.

"When we had dessert at your mum's restaurant."

He gave me a disapproving look, and I looked down as a little girl being scolded by her parents.

"You have to eat, Ellie. One meal a day isn't enough."

I knew I should eat more but in all honesty I had lost my appetite.

"Technically we had two, and I know. Wasn't hungry and I forgot." I confessed.

"It's pass 9. I'm going to make you something."

I felt bad for him. I felt like I was a child who he needed to take care of. I was old enough to take care of myself, but apparently I had completely lost track of time and food had not once crossed my mind.

He let go of me, and we both headed for the kitchen where he started to take things out of the fridge.

"Harry, you don't have to do this. I can make myself something."

"No, you just sit put," he said pulling out a barstool and motioned for me to sit. "Just tell me, do you like cheese?"

I nodded, "I love it."

He found pasta in the cupboard along with a pot to boil it in. I wasn't sure what he was going to make, but I liked that he was taking care of me even if I didn't need him to.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

He smiled at me showing me his dimples making me weak in the knees. "Not today."

"Well, you're the best. I'm truly thankful for you being here."

He gave me an intense stare. "You make it sound like you don't deserve having someone spoil you."

"I don't."

"That's where you're wrong."

I smiled back at him watching as he cut out an onion. I watched him intensely from the way his fingers carefully slid through the onion to the way his eyes turned red because of it. He looked so peaceful and so calm and someone as great as him shouldn't have been hurt the way he had. I knew it wasn't anyone's fault that his father had passed, yet I felt bad; he didn't deserve to lose him. He seemed like a great dad who should have lived and watched his children grow old. I would happily let someone take my father from me if it meant him and Gemma got theirs back. Was that wrong?

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