Chapter 49

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I woke up feeling terrible. Unfortunately, my careless actions last night had resulted in me being completely hungover. The headache was killing me, and when I opened my eyes and took in the unfamiliar surroundings, I started panicking. Please tell me I didn't do anything reckless.

"Morning," I heard his voice and realised he was in the bed with me. He however was sitting on top of the duvet still wearing the same clothes as last night. I looked at him, and my clothes and my facial expression must have looked like one big question mark. The t-shirt I was wearing was obviously his, his scent was prominent and made me smile, but had he undressed me? Had I undressed myself? What was going on?

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up with a hand to my head. This headache was a killer, and my train of thoughts was not helping in any way.

"You don't remember?" He asked, and I shook my head. "You were smashed. You were vomiting and I brought you up here," he said and realisation started to hit me as I looked him in the eyes. He looked tired, and I knew exactly why, which had me feeling terrible with myself.

"You didn't sleep," I said, but it wasn't a question. I knew he hadn't.

"Wanted to make sure you were okay. You know if someone throws up while lying on their back they can get choked in their own vomit," he spoke softly.

"I know, Harry," I smiled at him. "But that doesn't mean- you didn't have to- Thank you." I said.

"I worried. Every time you shifted in your sleep, I was afraid you would be lying on your back. You looked to have a good sleep though."

"Only because you were here. Harry, thank you. You really didn't have to do that. I shouldn't have been drinking that much. I shouldn't be so irrational. I'm sorry. Please don't feel obligated to stay."

"How's your head feeling?" He asked dodging my words.

"Bad," I confessed.

"Here. Take these," he said handing me two aspirins and a glass of water. I noticed he had brought me an entire tray of breakfast, and my heart started melting. I took the pills and swallowed them with a sip of water looking at him with teary eyes.

"No. Why are you crying? You hurting that badly? Please tell me what I can do," he said in panic, and it was obvious how much he really cared for me.

"No. I'm okay. It's just- you, you're perfect, Harry. I treat you like rubbish and still you- you do things like this. You really don't have to stay here."

"You want me to leave?" He asked misunderstanding my words.

"No not at all. That's the last thing I want. But you stay awake the entire night and you make me breakfast even though you don't have to," I said wiping away a tear that had slipped from my eye.

"Well I know you like oatmeal in the morning. I know you might not be able to eat anything, but I thought it would be good for you with some food. You don't have to eat it though. I brought eggs too, and I put banana and almonds in the oatmeal," he continued and another tear slipped from my eye and then another.

"It's perfect, Harry. Thank you," I said, and he handed me the tray. He had also brought me coffee and some orange juice. "I don't deserve you," I thought out loud.


My eyes looked into his, "you're too good for me. You are so much better than me. I don't deserve you," I repeated.

He gave me a sympathetic look and wiped away a tear I had not realised had slipped my eye. "You should give yourself more credit than that. Don't let people make you feel like you're worth less than you are."

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