Ch. 9: The Reason For Jealousy

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Ah... Since the first time I met her, of course, I knew that Sawol sometimes had a tendency to be impulsive. After all, the first time I met her, she had climbed over a wall and almost trespassed into my place...

I just never really thought that she'd end up becoming a kid that actually fights.




So turns out, me becoming a target in school could actually end up becoming a trigger for Sawol to get into an actual fist fight.

Even more so when she meets this girl who, FOR SOME REASON, had so much more influence on her despite being in the same year level as me and with a slightly bigger age gap with Sawol.

Yunjin was also from America, actually. And though she's been there for longer than I was, she preferred to use her Korean name more... probably because her English name was too long. She was rather hyper, too, and I really didn't like her at first, to the point that it almost made me wonder why the heck I was the only one Junhyung targeted with those rumors.

Of course, that wasn't really a good thing to think of now, was it?

But how could I not think that when, because of her, Sawol was starting to hang out with other kids more than me now?!


I jerked when I heard Yunjin's voice from behind me at one point, all while I was having lunch with just Sawol at the bleachers. It was supposed to be peaceful, since it was just the two of us at that time at the school ground, and we were actually having a nice conversation which was the first we've had since the rumors incident.

And then Yunjin decided to come along.

Sawol gasped when she heard that voice, on the other hand, tilting her body to look behind me with the biggest smile I had seen on her in a while and her eyes sparkling much more than all those times she's been talking to me.

Well... that hurt.

"Yunjin! How'd you know I was here?!" she asked enthusiastically as she stood up, before stepping down from the bleachers quickly and almost tripping if it weren't for the fact that I had grabbed her arm in time.

"Woah! Watch where you're going!" I told her as I helped her, but I don't think she even noticed what had just happened as she continued running towards Yunjin who stood waiting at the third bleacher from the bottom.

She had a smile on her face, waving as she greeted Sawol, but what annoyed me even more is that when she looked at me and saw me frowning, her smile only widened before she winked and turned back to Sawol who had finally reached her.

"Now, what the–"

She obviously knew what she was doing, and she knew that it annoyed me seeing how Sawol was seemingly getting more and more closer to her. Of course, it annoyed me even more that she didn't even seem tocare what she was doing...

And then Sunghoon, who somehow ended up becoming friends with me and Sawol, decided to point something out, one more day later, as I was watching Yunjin and Sawol walk to the school cafeteria just a little ahead of us. Of course,at the time, my face was still twisted in a frown.

"Jay... you like her, don't you?"

... Well, that doesn't really seem like a nice thing to say to someone who's so obviously already annoyed now, is it?

"W-what?! Why would I like Yun–"

"I mean Sawol."

That just shocked me even more.

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