🍂 Letters to Jay ➵ 3

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Dear Jay,

Thanks for taking care of me today, hehe...

And sorry for getting you involved in that fight. I know it could have gotten you, or even the both of us, hurt.

Though, it did hurt me, I'm really glad you were there for me when I was losing, and you were even there for me again to treat my injuries.

I think they'll be healing faster now because of what you did.

And about Yunjin...

I'm sorry. I didn't know I made you feel that way. I'll think about you more often now so I don't get to ignore you whether intentionally or not. I'll start writing to you again, too.

In the meantime, please write to me, too, so long as you still can. I'll be waiting for your letters so please do.

Wait for mine, too. And I promise they'll keep coming so long as I'm still alive and my two hands are intact.

Again, thanks for taking care of me!

Sincerely Yours,

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now