Ch. 17: The Day She Ran Away

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"Ah... so giving gifts really is your love language, huh? Must be easy because you have money."

"H-how do you even know that?"

So I ended up telling Dohyon a bit more about Sawol. And I swear, this kid keeps surprising and offending me the more I talk with him. It's hurting my pride, but at the same time, he's way too good of a talker to stop talking to.

"I mean, you've been giving me stuff without a worry... Oh, and that watch you have around your wrist looks pretty expensive, so I just guessed you must be rich," Dohyon explains after I asked.

He's got a point.

I turn to the watch on my wrist in response, like I just realized I had it, and then a faked smile forms on my face as I turn back to the kid. "Huh. You really are a smart kid," I tell him in return, and he just shrugs.

"I try my best, even though it's pretty obvious it'll never be enough, anyway."

My brows rise, and I look towards Dohyon again with a curious expression. He seems nonchalant, but I'm pretty sure I just understood what his words really mean.

I could be wrong, but this kid...

"Hey. You're an achiever, aren't you?"

To my surprise, Dohyon actually turns back to me with wide eyes, and I immediately realize that I'm right.

Of course, this isn't the first time I've met a kid like him...

The first one is Sawol, actually.




It was difficult to notice it at first, though, because Sawol and I were in different classes and she rarely ever talked to me about how she was doing in class specifically.

Before that one incident, all I knew was that she was just doing really well, and that she was an achiever in their class. And because I always knew that she was naturally smart, I just never questioned if she passed her subjects or not.

It just never occured to me that she was actually being pressured... And that that was the main reason why she hated her dad that time.

"He's gonna kill me, isn't he?"

I turned to Sawol as soon as she finally started talking. Yet, it wasn't very reassuring to see her hopeless expression, and her hand almost covering her eyes as she laid on the clinic bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I couldn't really think of what to say for a moment, since I was sure it would be hard to make her believe anything I had to say.

Nevertheless, in the end, I still lied. "Of course, he's not gonna do that, Sawol! I mean, he'll probably get really mad..." My words slowly turned into a mumble as I spoke, but when I realized I was just about to prove her point, they faded away, until I found myself in an awkward silence with a grimace on my face.

I glanced towards Sawol again only to meet her unimpressed eyes, and that made me flinch before I gingerly adjusted myself in my seat.

We ended up here, somehow. And that was after one of Sawol's classmates suddenly called me over to their classroom because Sawol wasn't feeling very well. Well, turns out it was because they had just received their grades, and while her grades were all pretty high, there was one thing that was bothering her because (to her) it stood out too much like a sore thumb:

In her English subject, it was the lowest grade she got at 86.

"It doesn't make any sense, doesn't it?" Sawol then asked as she seemed to remember her grade in that subject, and I turned back to her to see her frown bitterly as she looked back at the ceiling. "I have two friends from America, and I still suck at English. How does that even make any sense?!"

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