Ch. 25: The Promise of Meeting Again

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"Oh!" All of a sudden, I hear Dohyon exclaim behind me, making me turn to him from the window. He seemed to have dropped something light, but as soon as I look at him and see my book in his hands, open on the last page, my eyes widen as I realize what he had dropped.

I start panicking as soon as he got back up with a piece of folded paper in his hands. "U-uh... sorry, that's personal!" I quickly exclaim as I yank the paper from his hand, making him widen his eyes before he turns to me with furrowed brows.

"W... What?" he asks as he looks at me, confused and looking somewhat offended.

And then I realize just how rude I was, before I smile nervously at him. "Y-yeah... Sorry. This was..." I fall silent after a while, and then a forced smile appears on my face as I look at the paper I took from him. "It's one of the last things I got from... from Sawol..."

Dohyon raises his brows after a moment, and then he speaks with much curiosity in his tone. "... Oh? What is it?"

I hesitate in replying for a moment... But then again, it probably wouldn't hurt to tell this kid what it is, won't it? I mean he already knows a lot, anyway... "A poem... About the moon."

"Ah... a confession," Dohyon replies with a look of realization, and I widen my eyes again as I look at him.

"Wait, what? How is a poem about the moon a confession?"

"Haven't you ever heard of people saying that when someone says the moon is beautiful, they're basically telling you that they like you?"

"But the moon was really bright that night!"

"You know, I'm really starting to see why you're having troubles with Miss Sawol."

"... Well..." Nothing came out of my mouth after that, as I'm deemed speechless after what Dohyon just said.

And now I'm really starting to think, if I had this kid's wits and guts, maybe I would have been able to achieve much, much more back then...

"How can I be like you?" I end up asking the kid, and he turns back to me with the most disbelieving and flabbergasted expression I've ever seen on him.

"What the– What is wrong with you?!"

"You know what? I don't think I can even bring myself to face Sawol after meeting you. Why don't you just go and face her instead of me?"

"I knew you were weird, but what exactly are you going on again this time?!"

"How can you be this smart??"

"Are you serious?!"

Dohyon seems to get that I am when he looks at me, and he scowls in response before he looks away frowning.

"Yeah, right. Stop putting me on a pedestal like that. It's disgusting."

"... Heh." I smile playfully in response, before I face ahead and keep the paper in my pocket while keeping my eyes on Dohyon as he continues reading my book. He looks like he's just about done. "You know, you remind me of another friend of mine..."

"Really? I hope it's not one of those people who called you because they were really annoyingly loud," Dohyon replies sarcastically without even looking at me.

I laugh again, nervously this time, before I tell him the truth. "He's one of them actually. His name's Sunghoon–" I pause when Dohyon turns to me with a frown, but I keep going after a second, "and he's the one who's been helping me with my feelings for Sawol. He's really witty, too, just like you."

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