🌱 Letters to Sawol ➵ 10

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Dear Sawol,

We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival today at Seokcheon Lake. You should have seen the place!

I really can't wait to bring you to places and festivals like this! They're really amazing and I know you would have loved them!

I also saw a black butterfly kinda like Buddy looked like that kept sticking around wherever we went. I think that must have been Buddy's grandchild or something.

Haha! That sounded rather childish, didn't it?

I'm starting to feel homesick, though,not gonna lie. I miss Buddy. I miss you. I miss that wall you sat on while I talked to you from the grass of my own yard.

Do you still climb that wall? What do you do when you're up there by yourself? You better stay safe while doing that, though, because I won't be there to catch you anymore if you fall.

But if you do...

Hey, don't you dare get hurt or else I'm skipping a week of my classes just to visit you, alright?

Stay safe!

Sincerely Yours,

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now