Ch. 14: The Night of Temporary Escape

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It began raining harder that night. Thankfully, Sawol and I got to get home dry and safe in the few minutes the rain gave us a break.

But as soon as I stepped inside my house, it suddenly began pouring really hard again, and in my worry that maybe Sawol didn't get inside her house on time, I quickly ran to my room and looked outside the balcony, over the wall, and into her front yard... just to see it empty.

I just assumed she got in safely and on time at that, and I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped away from the glass doors that currently kept me safe from the storm that had started outside.

And then a thought occured to me.

"Ah... This won't be good for Sawol," I thought to myself, as I looked towards the window of her room, covered up by the curtains and keeping me from looking inside and at least seeing her come in. "I hope she'll be fine for today, at least. I'm really worried..."

It took a few more seconds before I noticed the light turning on in Sawol's room, and a faint smile formed on my face as I turned away, relieved to see that she's really inside.

Well, I really don't know what to do to actually help her still, but I really do hope...

I paused as my gaze landed on my desk, where a blank piece of paper and a pen lay waiting for me to write a new letter.

I sure hope a letter could actually still help her this time.




I ended up staying up late until around eleven o' clock just trying to think of what to write to Sawol.

Well, to be honest, that wasn't really the only thing I did. I changed out of the clothes I wore to go outside today and into my house clothes, had dinner, did the dishes, did my homework (tried to, anyway), and then I ended up sitting infront of this blank paper and pen, still staring up at me, waiting.

I still didn't know what to write after all those things I did. Heck, I didn't even know how to start!

I thought, perhaps, if I constantly looked towards Sawol's closed window and curtains, it would help, but really, who am I even kidding?

... Well... At least the rain stopped.

And now everything's wet outside. And cold. And as much as I'd wanted to go out onto my balcony and call out to Sawol, I can't. For one, she might asleep. And for two, it's wet and cold and I didn't really like the idea of stepping on the wet and cold concrete floor of my balcony.

And then I heard a window open and then hastily close.

"... Huh?"

I turn my head and lean back in my seat a bit, expecting to see Sawol behind her closed window, looking hesitant... but, oh, of course! That wouldn't be something she would do, because what else would I see other than Sawol crouched down on the roof infront of her window, eyes steadily pointed at my balcony, before they widen upon meeting mine.

"What the– woah!" I shout as I fall back in my chair, before I quickly stand up and look towards Sawol's roof again just to meet her still-wide eyes, and her finger held up to her lips as her panic showed on her face.

Now what in the world is she doing now?

My brows were furrowed in confusion, but I quickly made my way to the glass doors, pushing them open, yet still not daring to step on the concrete as I whisper-shout at her. "Hey! What in the world are you doing?!"

"Ah, just shut up and help me out here! The roof's slippery and I might slip," she told me in response as she continued slowly creeping towards the edge of her roof.

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