🍂 Letters to Jay ➵ 2

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Dear Jay,

Thanks for taking care of Buddy with me!

I wouldn't have done it without you. Especially when you were there when the ants almost attacked him. He could have died. And I wasn't even there...

Thanks for the weekly photos, too!

I'm running out of my space in my room, and I think Dad's not really happy about them filling up most of my room space, hehe.

You can always come and visit whenever you want to come, by the way. Even when I'm not around, you can enter my room. No need to be nervous.

(I know about that because Mom told me so, heh.)

Buddy could really use another parent, too. And I'd be happy if it was you :)

Anyways, better write to me soon!

Sincerely Yours,

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now