🌱 Letters to Sawol ➵ 5

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Dear Sawol,

Please don't ever get into fights again ㅜㅜ

I'm kinda scared now just thinking of how I'll end up running into that kid again at school. Will he remember me? You know I can't fight, right? And frankly speaking, I don't think you can, either, seeing how he knocked you down after just hitting you once...

Sawol, please take care of yourself.

At this point, even if you're hanging out with other people, at least try not to get into fights that much, and don't provoke other people. Even if they cut you off in the queue or did something rude, just don't take them on if it looks like you can't.

Don't let your pride decide what to do for you. And definitely don't just let anyone tell you what to do if it's gonna put you in danger.

Whatever happens, though, just know that I'll always be here for you. Just... not in a fight, because... you know.

Just don't get into fights again!

Sincerely Yours,

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now