Ch. 22: The Stories We Shared

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"You know how they say you tend to act more like the person you like the longer you like them?"

"I don't think I want to hear anymore about your stories of Miss Sawol. It's stressing me out, and it's not even important for my studies."

"Oh, come on! But you were so invested a while ago, though!"

"That was a while ago. Now let me sleep, instead."

Ah... It's crazy to think that I might really never see this kid again after this train ride. Most especially after I've told him about so many things about my private life, already.

But then again, I guess it's also best I take it as a sign to double down with how he's refusing to listen to my stories now.

I just breathe out a chuckle as I finally agree, and Dohyon wears a very relieved expression on his face, before he tosses his jacket over his face and becomes still in just a few seconds.

Lucky. He can manage to fall asleep quickly.




"Hey, Jay. What're you gonna do if Sawol somehow finds out you have feelings for her?"

"Hmm?... I mean, I don't know. I guess I'll just leave it be and pretend I don't know she knows until she talks to me about it?"

In the library, Sunghoon picked up a really heavy-looking book from the shelves before threatening to hit me with it. I shrunk back in response, but I remained smiling shamelessly, maybe even with a hint of nervousness as I did so.

"You're hurting her," Sunghoond told me, and my expression immediately faltered before my smile turned completely nervous, before it faded completely as I lowered my gaze towards the lower shelves.

Well... of course, he had a point.

"You know she likes you, too, right?"

"I already told you. I'm not believing that unless it comes from Sawol herself."

"But what if she's scared to do it, too?"

I remained silent after Sunghoon asked that last question. Truth be told, I really didn't know what to do about this whole situation.

I've hidden my feelings for Sawol for almost five years already at this point... and I'm still scared of the thought of having to show it. It's almost like...

"I'm the only one Sawol turns to for her really personal problems, you know?" I finally told Sunghoon as I crouched down and placed my finger on a book that caught my attention. "If I ruin it all by telling her how I feel and making it awkward... then who is she going to turn to when she's having those problems again?"

Sunghoon didn't say anything in response at all, the whole time I pulled the book out and looked at the description at the back. By the time I finished reading it, however, I ended up frowning before I began to return it on the shelf, only for Sunghoon to stop me.

"Hey, wait... This is the first time I'm seeing you return a book on the shelf. What's bad about it?" He held his hand out, asking for the book, and I looked at him in slight confusion before I placed the book in his hand.

"Nothing, really," I replied as I stood up, and he began reading the description. "It just... doesn't feel like it would be good."

"Oh? But it looks like it would be good for me, though."

"You and I have different tastes, then," I replied, almost rolling my eyes as I began searching again. "I just don't think I'll end up missing that book when I finish reading it. It feels too bland just from the description already."

"Is that so?" Sunghoon asked with a raised brow, all while I noticed how he still kept the book in his hand, with no intention of returning it.

"... So are you really taking that?" I ask, eventually, out of my curiosity.

"Why not? Maybe I'll turn out to like it," he replied with a smile as he held the book up.

"Alright. Suit yourself."

Sunghoon then began reading the book while I continued searching... but it didn't take long before he decided to ask another question regarding Sawol. "But, seriously though... are you ever going to tell Sawol anything?"

My hand froze just as I was about to take another book out of the shelf, and I didn't move or even turn my gaze towards Sunghoon.

This time, he seemed to have a point with his question. And I had to admit, I didn't really know what to say. I mean, his question isn't really something I can just lie and give a reason to. After all...

"In due time, I guess. When I think it's right," I replied eventually, as I took out the book I saw, leaving quite a gap in the shelf and making it clearer for me to see the other side...

The other side, where I suddenly met a pair of very familiar-looking eyes, looking back at me while opened wide by the owner.

It was Sawol, and she looked very shocked as she looked at me, but that wouldn't be much compared to the shock I felt upon realizing that she was there.

"H-huh? S-SAWOL??!"

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now