Ch. 19: The Cover-Up

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The next day, after the chaos that had happened at Sawol's house, I was rather surprised when I found myself face to face with Sawol outside my gate. I didn't really think she could push herself to go to school after what had happened. But a few more seconds of being surprised and blinking at her presence, I held my hand out to her, with the letter I wrote her last night squeezed between my thumb and the rest of my fingers.

Sawol looked at it blankly for a few seconds, and it scared me that she probably can't even handle going to school right now. But then the next words she said surprised me.

"You didn't hear anything last night, alright?"

"... H-huh?" My eyes widened as I looked at Sawol, and I only became even more surprised when she suddenly frowned at me. "W-what do you–"

"You heard nothing, you say nothing. You didn't hear me cry. You didn't see me trying to run away. I did not just cry in your arms last night at the train sta– Oh my goodness, even the thought alone is making me cringe! Gah!" Sawol turned away from me as she shouted in frustration, and I just watched her with a nervous smile on my face.

What exactly was going on...?

"Just, the point is! Let's pretend that I didn't look horribly pathetic last night, alright?" Sawol proclaimed as she pointed a finger at me with her face still twisted in a frown.

I froze as she did just that, and I took a step back with my eyes on her finger, before I looked back and met her eyes.

Sawol's eyes looked firm amd strict as she looked back at me, but as I kept looking back at her for a few more seconds, her eyes soon turned soft, and her finger curled before she dropped her hand to her side and she looked away awkwardly. "Anyway, I'm sure you get my point."

Well... I guess. But–!

"W-why do I have to?" I asked in return, like I was clueless. But really, I was just wondering why Sawol would even force me to forget what happened. Probably even worse was that she seemed to be trying to ignore that it happened.

But it did seem to surprise her that I asked that, because then she looked at me with wide eyes for a moment, before she looked away again. Awkwardly this time as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Well... it's just..."

She really didn't seem to want to talk about it now. And I guess, as I looked at her house just in time to spot her dad coming out, I figured that this wasn't the best place and time to talk about these things.

I eventually interrupted Sawol by placing my letter for her in her hands, surprising her once again, before I take her hand and begin leading the way. "Actually, I think it might be best to talk about these things after we get to school. Let's go!"

"H-huh? Hey, wait a minute! You're walking too fast! Jay!"




I didn't let Sunghoon nor Yunjin know what happened the night before. I figured it would be best. Especially when Yunjin has a tendency to react loudly and it could lead to other people at school hearing about what happened.

But also mostly because Sawol really seemed like she didn't want to acknowledge that it happened. So I followed her wish... At least, while there were other people around us.

But I made sure to keep a closer eye on her this time, in case something happened and I might miss it again just like yesterday.

"You seem uptight. Did something happen yesterday?"


But then again...

Ha... I really forgot how Sunghoon tends to pick up on things quickly. And why am I such an obvious person??

"I-it's nothing, really... I'm just keeping an eye out on Sawol like always," I replied nervously as I turned to Sunghoon while we waited in line at the canteen, all while Sawol and Yunjin stayed at our table, chatting and waiting for us to bring our food.

"But you seem to be doing that more today. What's up, really?" Sunghoon asked again.

You see, sometimes, it's just scary trying to keep a secret around this guy!

"It's... Well... Oh, look! We're up next! We should probably start ordering now so the girls don't have to wait long!" I quickly exclaimed when I noticed we were next in line, and I stepped forward after talking in an attempt to pull Sunghoon away from the topic.

I think I heard him roll his eyes, however, but thankfully, he seemed to know his boundaries. He didn't ask any more questions in the end.




That afternoon, I actually went to Sawol's classroom to make sure I get to walk home with her today.

I'm sure she was surprised. And so were some of her classmates... Including that annoying kid, Jake.

Ha! Bet he didn't expect us to be this close, huh?!

I sent Jake a quick glare when I saw him as I stood at the back doorway of the classroom, and then I found Sawol in her seat, still packing up her things when she looked up at me with wide eyes.

I smiled and waved quietly as I waited for her. And eventually, she came to the doorway, looking rather amused by the fact that I came to her classroom.

"Were you that worried about me?" she asked me when she reached me, and I laughed nervously as I looked away from her.

"For obvious reasons, of course, I was," I mumbled as a reply. And then I would be surprised this time when Sawol suddenly takes my hand and places a folded piece of paper in it.

A  letter. Her letter. And I raise my brows in curiosity before I look back at her just to meet her sparkling eyes and a smile on her face.

"Thanks," she whispered, before she took my other hand and began leading the way. "Now let's go home!"

"H-huh? W-wait, Sawol! You're stretching my arm too much! Agh!"

Well, my heart felt warm that afternoon, and I guess it was surprising that my letter seemed to help. Basing on what Sawol wrote in her response letter, anyway:

"Don't worry too much. If it really becomes too much that I can't handle it, I'll run to you instead. Just promise you'll meet me halfway if I do."






Right. I promised to do that, after all, didn't I?

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