Ch. 13: The Girl Who Tried

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That day, I realized that I had never really hung out with Sawol outside.

I guess I was just always content with hanging out and having talks with her whether in our neighborhood or at school. Outings never really occured to me until that one summer day when Sawol and I became high school students bored almost out of their minds becauss they had no plans for their summer break.

Maybe I should be thankful for Sunghoon, though. And Yunjin. Because I know now that they both did that on purpose knowing I wanted to have an alone time with Sawol.

Additionally, it seemed Sawol wanted that too, anyway, because she wanted to get out of her house for a bit. She confessed that to me at the end of the day, when we had ended up at a random bus stop after it suddenly started raining.

I pursed my lips as I looked up, and I noticed the sky getting darker while the rain didn't seem to have any plans of stopping or even getting weaker. "It sure has been raining a lot these days... Is a typhoon coming in?"

"I sure hope not," Sawol replied, and I turned to her to see that she had been looking up at the sky, too. "That would mean I'd have to stay at home because of class suspensions. And I hate staying in."

"... Why so?" I had to ask eventually, tilting my head before a mischievous smile formed on my face. "Do you get bored easily when you're home? Don't worry, Sawol! You can still come over even when it's raining~"

"That's not it."

My expression dropped when she replied with a serious tone. When I looked at her again, however, that was when I noticed her fingers nervously fidgeting.

"I'm– I'm scared..." she finally spoke after a bit, and before I could ask... "I can't even tell anymore when he's about to get mad. In fact, he could even be getting mad at everything I do!"

Sawol's father... I never really knew him much.

Sure, he always put up a friendly face whenever visitors came to their place, but all in all, he was a man who kept to himself. I don't really know why it never crossed my mind that I didn't know how he was to his family.

"It's just..." Sawol sighed as she hung her head. "I don't know what to do whenever that happens..."

I really didn't know what to do as I kept looking at her. I knew she needed support right now, but what could I do? I was also just a kid. Worse, I was her neighbor, which meant if I tried to do anything, both of us could get in trouble if her father got mad.

But then before I realized it, I had slipped my hand into hers, and intertwined our fingers. Sawol realized it first, of course, as she looked at me in surprise, before she looked down again as she spoke quietly.

"... Sorry. I ruined the mood."

"Oh, come on! What are you talking about?" I reassured her as I turned to her with a smile. "I'm actually... kinda glad you trusted me with this. Even though, I still don't know what to do to help you either, but... I'll always be here when you need a shoulder, alright?"

She laughed lightly in response, and that was when she raised our hands to make me see. "Or a hand, to be more literal, you mean."

"Gah!" I screamed, for a second, when realization hit me. And then I looked towards Sawol to see her looking at me, confused and amused at the same time. "T-that's– I didn't mean to– I-I mean, you looked like you needed it anyway–"

She laughed again as I kept rambling, before she spoke, her tone much lighter this time and catching my attention. "You've always been such a weird and awkward kid."

I felt my face heating up as I stopped talking, before I looked away from her again, though I refused to let her hand go anyway. "Look who's talking. You're weird, too, though," I mumbled, but it was still loud enough for her to hear, making her laugh again.

I guess we stayed in the rain for an hour more, because by the time we got home, it was already dark.




Oh... is it raining?

I must have been so lost in my thoughts for a bit back there, I didn't even notice the sky turning dark and grey, until raindrops began falling and tapping rhythmically on the window pane.

I look out the window as the scene outside turns grey and foggy, dull and sad... but serene, nonetheless.

"Oh... But this is Sawol's favorite weather, though," I say out loud, forgetting for a moment that I'm in a public transport and that people might hear me talking to myself.

And then that kid says something.

"'Sawol'? Is that your person's name?"

"H-huh?!" My eyes widen, and I turn to him just in time to see his brow raised and a mischievous smirk on his face, all while I feel heat rising up my cheeks like I'd been caught doing something wrong.

Which is ironic, considering I didn't do anything wrong and it's this kid that's been eavesdropping... on my conversation with myself, I guess?

"W-well, is it really that important for you to know?" I ask him accusingly.

And his expression turns into an unimpressed one as he almost glares at me. "Hey, you're the one who's been shipping me with a stranger on this train. Oh, right! And I almost forgot. We're strangers to each other, too!"

Oh, this kid can't be serious.

"H-hey, didn't I just lend my book and my book lamp to you?" I ask as an offended expression forms on my face.

"Why? Are you gonna give me another thing to make me notice you again?"

... Why–

Suddenly, the kid smirks, and I let out a frustrated sigh as I turn away from him. Of course, he was just teasing me.

"Ah, whatever," I mutter as I turn away from him, only to widen my eyes in the next second when he suddenly holds up a familiar-looking envelope in front of my face.

"By the way, I found this in that book you lent me... and it's addressed from a 'Sawol' to a 'Jay', so I'm guessing it must be personal."

For a moment, I freeze in my surprise, before I quickly grab the letter from the kid's hands only to feel awkward in the next second. "Ah... thanks," I tell him, chuckling nervously as I face him while keeping the letter in my pocket. "Y-you're right. It is personal..."

Then the kid smiles mischievously before he turns back to the new book he's reading now: another textbook. "Anyway, based on how you're acting right now, I'm guessing she's someone you like but still haven't confessed to."

Well... Honestly, how can this kid even be this smart?

"How'd you know?" I ask him, choosing not to deny it anymore as I slowly take the letter out of my pocket and I look at it with a faint smile.

The kid's reply came not too long after. "You still seem shy when you talk about her... and you keep a letter she sent you in your favorite romance book. Doesn't that say a lot already?"

"It– it does?"

"Mm-hmm. Also, is 'Jay' really your name or is that just a pseudonym to make you seem cool?"

"It's my real name. I originally came from the US."

"Oh... cool. My name's Dohyon."

"'Dohyon', huh? Sounds cute."

"Don't you dare."

I laugh as Dohyon looks at me with his annoyed expression.

I ended up knowing his name, after all, even though I might never see this kid after this anyway.

On the other hand, Sawol's last letter to me still lies in my hand, still unanswered, yet still kept safe...

I did promise to answer it, though. Personally this time. I won't have to hide behind a letter again just to tell her what I have to.

Secretly Yours, (Enhypen Jay X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now