Chapter 1 *Letting Go*

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Original Published Date: 8 July 2015

Sydney {POV}

Everybody in the pack house was excited to see me turn seventeen, but I knew exactly what it meant.

My best friends Candice and Kelly already turned seventeen last week and the week before that and were waiting for me. We had decided to go together but, I don't think I can handle a party animal and a book worm. Maybe the book worm.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" My mother asked her voice soft and sweet.

I looked down trying to avoid answering the question, but being obedient to my parents I do so, "Honestly mother, I don't think i'm comfortable with settling into other pack houses for three days. I don't like the fact I'm not supposed to come back home unless I have my mate." I took my left hand to caress my right arm, just for some comfort.

"Sydney it's okay, it's just the packs tradtion. You can still call us and video chat with us," She said gripping my shoulder. "Now go up stairs and begin to pack." She turned me around and placed her hands on my back and gave me a little shove.

I was about to turn the corner that led to the stair at the end of the hall. Me looking down not really paying any attention to the outside world, I ran into something. My Alpha Father.

"Sydney." He said, voice low yet fragile.

"Hi father." I said still little upset.

"Are you excited?"

"Sure. Excited about leaving my family for who knows how long." I said irritated with a lot of sarcasm.

"Sydney, are you not excited?"

"No dad." I said hiding my eye rolling from him.

"Every wolf that reaches the age of seventeen does, in our pack." His comfort was nothing but cold true facts to make up my mind.

"I understand, may I go pack now?" I asked with a tone of disrespect. He saw I no longer wanted to talk about the situation. He nooded, stepped to the left and walked away.


I was in the middle of packing when I heard a familiar knocking sound.

"Come in." I announced.

Before I knew it Candice barged in, and jumped on my bed.

"I couldn't wait any longer. I wish our birthdays weren't two weeks apart." She said lying down smacking her gum, and swinging her legs in the air.

"I couldn't control my parents actions." I said trying to shut her down.

"I know that," she shut her eyes really tight, and her fingers on the side of her head. "Thanks for putting that image in my head."

I chuckled and continue packing as she pulled out her phone.

About fifteen minutes later the same knock made a pattern thud on my door. "Come in Kelly."

Like usual there was a slight twist on the door knob, and when she takes forever to open a door she had a book in a hand. Candice groaned and opened the door quickly and obviously frustrated.

"Sydney, Tait wanted to talk to you." Kelly said eyes not leaving her book.

Tait is my boyfriend, he's the main reason I don't want to go look for my actual mate, we were like mates.

I let out a sigh of sadness knowing that what was going to happen wasn't going to be any good.
"Its okay Sydney. Maybe it's for the best."
Candice cooed, I guess I wasn't the only who knew, which made it worst.

I didn't know what to think. I loved Tait, he meant a lot to me.

I knew where he was. He was on the rooftop where we'd go just to be together, so I made my way up there.


When I reached the rooftop I saw him lying on one of the beach chairs as sun began to set.

"Hey Tait." I said as if bad news wasn't coming and good news was.

"We have to talk Sydney. We both know what about." He said, sounded as if he was crying before.

I walked, but slower and steadily, and sat on the beach chair. "I know, i've tried, but I couldn't." Already knowing things were going to go downhill.

"You're leaving to tomorrow, only the Goddess knows for how long. But when you find your mate promise me that we'd always be friends," I nodded, hating where this was going."I love you Sydney Hayes, with all my heart. That's why I'm letting you go." I could hear his voice break, I could hear the tears fighting to slide down his cheek, and his eyes swelling up with tears.

"I love you too Tait, I tried so hard to prevent me from going. I feel as if I don't need a mate since I have you." I said being the next Alpha in line, I couldn't show weakness. I couldn't cry.

"Promise me this will always be our spot, only for me and you."

"Promise. You have to promise the same." I said firm but still sad.

"I've lost my mate... now I've lost you." He said voice dry and raspy.

"Just don't do anything stupid. I love you I want to be with you, Tait Williams, you." I let a tear slide down my cheeck. At how his name wavered in my throat and out my mouth.

"I can't give you what your actual mate can, I'm doing him the greatest favor, no matter how much I hate to do so," I shook my head in disbelief. "Most Alphas pared with a Alpha or a Beta, sometimes Omega and sometimes Rogue. You will make them better as they are, whoever they are, but it's not with a enforcer." With that we both stood up, followed by a hug and a kiss placed on my cheeck. With that he left. Leaving me on my own, as the sun has already has set, and the sky was a darker blue of the ocean during the day.

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