Chapter 5 *Gifted*

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Sydney {POV}

I looked at Rick as if he was a crazy man with Candy Canes sticking out his ears and wearing a upside down hat.
"Rick you're hilarious." I say standing up.
"No he's not, he's beta." The little girl said.
I looked at the four imprints on the girls hand, then at Rick holding Afradiety.
"Little gi-" I began.
"My name is Brandy." She interrupted.
"Well, Brandy, did you see where the other pups went?" I asked trying to hold back the anger that wanted to be held in my voice.
"Well, I saw Aaron chase after a grey and white wolf over their, but I didn't pay attention to where Melody, and Max headed." She said.
"Thank you Brandy." I said kissing her forehead.
"I know I closed door." I said a bit frustrated.
"You did. Brandy said her friend Aaron opened the door after hearing whimpering." I groaned a that. I don't see why kids are so curious.
I heard someone cooing "Come here little wolf I won't hurt you." It was coming from up ahead and I spread up. Like an idiot Rick was still holding Afradiety.
I saw Leo growling at the boy. "Leo come here." Leo looked in direction and strode over to me.
"Hey lady, I saw him first." Aaron cried.
"Hes my pup that you let his four sibling out my room." I said glaring at the kid, then remembering he was a kid, and my eyes softened.
"Sorry lady, I'll help look for the other two, Melody ran in the opposite direction, but I'm not sure where Brandy and Max went." He was running in the direction he pointed.
It was girl in the corner. I saw Aroara barking at her. She seemed scared.
I snapped my finger and Aroara instantly stopped barking and looked at me holding Leo, and Rick holding Afradiety. She started climbing up Ricks pants, so picked her up.
"Melody, where did Max go?" Aaron asked her.
"He took the orange one to the pack doctor for her little leg." Of course her leg, she would let anyone pick her up.
"Rick take them to my room and meet me at the pack doctors. Aaron can you take Leo and follow beta Rick." He nodded and grabbed Leo.
I started walking to the pack doctors, when I remember, I don't know where it is.
"Alpha Walker, where's the pack doctor?" I ask tapping his shoulder.
"I'm not Alpha Walker, his son, yes. The names Nyle and I'll be happy to escort you to the pack doctors." I give him a genuine smile.
"Thank you, I'm Sydney."
"I know who you are, but you obviously didn't know me," He says. I smile a little embarrassed. "Sorry I wasn't present the first day you arrived. My dad me attend to stupid Alpha work why he introduced himself to you." He says.
"Ya, I know the feeling. Sometimes I wish the Goddess didn't let me have a Alpha as a father, so I could be a normal werewolf instead if take in so much responsibility at fifteen." I admit.
"Same darling, it fucking sucks sometimes. But it has its advantages." He says popping a chip into his mouth.
"How would you know you're not a full Alpha." He smiled and looked at me.
"Neither are you." I looked at him and giggled as he threw a chip in the air and caught it in his mouth as he cheered.
"Where were we going?" He asked.
"Pack doctors." I say.
He laughs, "Rewind, we past it like two minutes ago." I laughed and shook my head. He's hilarious.
He threw another chip in the air, bit I caught it before it reached his mouth. I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. When I looked him he was shocked. "That was mine." He said.
"Now it's mine." With that I began to munch on the crunchy cheetoh puff.
He had stopped. "This is your destination."
"Thank you." I say.
"Any time babe." His last look was of my ass. He made his muscular back face me.
A brute growl snapped me back to reality. When I looked saw Rick in the corner holding Sandy.
"Nice to know you moved on." He said handing Sandy to me.
"Calm down wolfy he's funny, but not you. Plus I'm still trying to get over Tait." I said.
"Who's Tait?" I asked.
"EX-boyfriend. Two years of my life I'll never get back." I said stroking Sandys head.
"Dumb ass." He muttered under his breath. I laughed and so did he.

He went to his room after walking me to mine.
The pups needed a wolf's love that's why they were whimpering. That's what my wolf told me. So I shifted in my room. Leonardo slept on top of me as I slept on my side. Sandy snuggled herself under my arm. Aroara slept on my tail. Afradiety, being individual, she isolated herself to upon my bed but she wasn't sleep.
'I know the Goddess sent you. I know the Goddess wants me to stay with Rick. I know you love me, you and your wolf. I knew all of this was going to happen. My mother told me I was special, but I was to young to even mind talk. I miss my mom and my dad. But I don't want to leave you.' Afradiety told me through mind link.
'Im your saviour but the Goddess needs you to be with Rick. Please listen to her." I ask.
'I do, but I know what's going to happen before it happens. I try to connect to you but I only can speak with your wolf. No, the others has tried to speak to you, but can't. I don't know how I can either.' She answered my questions before I could even ask.
'The Goddess told me to tell you, you have to stay another day, if we don't we're all going to die. She said she will add to the Alphas note, and to my dad Rick. Please listen I can see the death. But it's slow and painful, please listen. I have to go.' She say then she's done.
I don't think to hard about it, so I just sleep.
'Sydney wake up, I feel another wolf presents.' Maple told me.
'No, Maple I would smell him, or her.' I tell her. I decided to take a swift of the air, it smelled different.
I opened one arm and saw a very large white wolf that made my wolf look like a teenager. I shook Leo off my side softly to not wake him, so he could be on the floor. I gently slipped my tail from underneath Aroara. I took my arm off Sandy and got up swiftly.
I was going to growl at the white wolf when I saw on top of the white wolf a little black spot. I hit the object a couple times and Afradiety opened her eyes.
Then I remember the large white wolf was Rick. I licked his face and he let out a low growl.
I licked it again, and his shot open.
'Bozo when do you get here.' I asked through a link I wasn't sure would go through.
'Last night, then I saw Afradiety was alone on the bed so shifted and she came to me.' He said, then let out a loud growl. That stupid growl woke up Afradiety and Leo. When Leo finally stopped stumbling from his slumber he let out a howl to wake Sandy and Aroara. Damnit!
I growled at him as the rest joined Leo in howling. 'Sorry' He said.
'I think they need to be taken outside, come on. Ignoramus.' I said then growled.
The pups followed us to the backyard. When we got outside they played and even some early shifters tagged a long. I warned them not to be to rough because the were a little bigger than they thought. Leo and Aroara didn't care they played as if they were the same size. Sandy was a little intimidated when one almost stepped on her. Afradiety was only willing with playing with Rick and me. But I layed in the grass with Sandy and watched.
I watched as Afradiety would attack his legs and nip at his tail. My wolf would laugh whenever her teeth got caught in his fur, and he'd whimper when she'd tug on the fur. Sometimes she'd spit out a ball of fur when she got loose.
When I decided to take my eyes of the I stared at my surroundings. As looked into the forest a pair of red eyes met mine.

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