Chapter 2 *The Pups*

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Original Published Date: 10 July 2015

Sydney {POV}

I was all packed up, I was ready to go, ready to leave. Candice, Kelly, and I got in the car as Frisco began to drive.

"Frisco, where are you taking us first." I could see Frisco looking at me in the rearview window.

"We're going to go to the Saint Luna Pack right next door to ours." He said eyes back on the road.

I sighed still disappointed. "Okay." I slid the black shield back to where he couldn't see what we were doing in the back of the limo.

"Cheer up Sydney, stop being a pain in the ass and enjoy your damn self." Candice said finding a bottle of champagne in the little cooler.

"Why aren't you talking to Kelly, her nose is pressed into the crook if the book." I said pointing to Kelly at leaning on her pillow against the wall.

"Don't bring me into this, I could loosen up. But I wanna be own damn person, so shut it Sydney." I don't really understand why or how Kelly and I became friend to begin with, we have nothing in common.

Me being an Alpha I didn't respect her tone, "Watch what comes out your mouth or so help me Goddess, mercy would be the last thing upon you." I used alpha tone on her instantly regretting it.

Candice eyes were wider than the moon. "What the hell. I get your all alpha and shit, but what the hell?" She crushed the glass in her hand, leaving shards of glass in her area of the limo.

"I don't need you to back me up all the time, Candice. You being a bitch in all, doesn't do anything but make me look weak. I'm not four and you're twenty. We're both seventeen and I can handle myself, damnit now get drunk and act like a bitchy she wolf you are and let me handle this." Kelly shouted face as red as blood. Teeth so gritted looks as if they were super glued that way.

Now that I was seventeen I was age appropriate for a Alpha, the only thing I need is my mate and I'm Luna.

Me deep in my thoughts I didn't realize that Kelly and Candice were fighting. If I was to keep this going this was going to end like it always does. Candice wins and Kelly crying and crawling back to her book.

"STOP!" My voice boomed as the sound waves of my voice bounced off the walls of the car.
They instantly stop fighting and look at me. "You're not the boss of us yet." Candice yelled back, making my adrenaline pump.

"I, Sydney Hayes, forbid you, Candice Hopkins, to never to raise your voice at me at any disrespect without my permission." I then see anger and frustration leave her eyes and appeared with confusion and innocents.

She looked at me as if I shot her an hour ago and she just realized. She tried to yell, but couldn't.
"Why?" She said soft, but you could hear sadness and anger.

"I'm sorry Candice, it wa-"

"You believe it was your wolf, I understand shouldn't have yelled at you to be begin with." She interrupted, but in a respectful manner.

We quickly hugged and sat down. But immediately we realized the car door was open and Kelly was gone.

I slid the box open to where I could communicate with Frisco, our driver. "Frisco have you seen Kelly." He looked at me in the rearview mirror, again.

"She mind linked me saying I'm going to run ahead I asked her if she had your permission but she said yes so I let her." He said finally placing his eyes back on the road. I closed the box. And sighed with fury.

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