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12 years later


12 years ago we attacked the Vampire Manor, and most of us made it out alive. Vampires are known to be stronger than us, do that a few got away. Not all were bad, the young was innocent, like Janice, she made good friends Afridiety, Sandy, Aroara, and turned out to be mates with Leo. But they're grown up now. A day after their 18th birthday, Ryan thought he outlived his usefulness and put a gun to his head. Zack heard the shot and followed to the heart of the forest to find his dead best friend. He did leave a note, apologizing, and talking about how he needed to take care of the kids until they were adults, but he couldn't bear the pain off being without his mate.

Alpha Lucas, didn't stop looking for five years, until his wife was convinced that their little girl, wasn't alive anymore. Luckily we can live for hundreds of years, but everyone at the pack was devastated. The pack bitch, is no longer the pack bitch any more, because she was so awful to Sydney, and just to find out she's dead. Some of the wolves whispered saying it was her fault and she brung it on her self, mated or mateless those wolves were silenced by a quick knife to the neck. Alpha Lucas was about ready to burn the pack, they've had two kids, and lost them both, but they can't lead the pack forever, so when they planned for one more kid they had two. Dennis and Denise, twins. But, Dennis was born two minutes earlier, so he's the next alpha.

However, the past twelve years haven't been a total bust. Zack and I have quite a number of kids together. His parents are thinking about cutting his balls off or giving him a lifetime supply of condoms. We have six kids, four boys and two girls. Zack was happy about that, but the last thing we needed was for him to put them in football, which he did. Zack Jr, is the oldest at age twelve. Zander second at age 11, and yes Zander spelled it with a 'Z'. Zion, he's in third place at age 9. My first baby girl, in memory of my best friend, Sydney, she's only 7 though. Then Zeth, he's 5 years old and always trys to fit in with Zack Jr and Zander, he always has his fathers anger, which has increased since he found his best friend dead. Then, Caitlin and yes I made sure it started it with a 'C', she's 4. And last week we found out there's another one on the way. Zack loves when we have kids, or the process but I'm on the same page as his patents, he doesn't have to go through nine months of this every year or every other year.

Sandy came by earlier, she offered to babysit, while Zack and I went on our daily walk. Those boys are a handful, and trust me, even Zack had a hard time getting them under control. My girls on the other hand they're great. Sydney and Zion get along really well. My Sydney reminds me of Sydney, she likes hanging with the guys more than girls. So she hasn't found her bestie yet, but she will. I think I forgot to mention that Afridiety and Jason are mates, they've loved each other even before they knew what love was.

I look around and I see everyone smiling, and I just can't help but think, the days are dull without my best friend. My heart begins to ache and I pat my stomach. I look to the left and see my mate standing in the doorway, staring at me with so much glory. I can see in his eyes he was fixing to say something. But with the slow movement of my eyelids closing and a slight shake of my head, he says nothing. Somehow I mange to control him, even with the slightest gesture. He's my everything now. He used to have my whole heart, but now he has to share it with the kids. He looks at me and smiled, he had news and he was going to tell me whether I wanted to hear it or not, typical Zack.

"Tait's here." He pauses for a moment. "He'd like to see you." Tait, I haven't seen him in four years. Although Alpha Lucas stopped searching, but he never did. He believed him and Sydney had a connection, deeper than a mates. He believes she's still alive. But why is he back? Last time I heard from him was four years ago when he told me that some of the vampires escaped from the manor.

But that was four years ago, and he didn't even say it in person. Which means... "Sydney is alive." I say. Zack tilts his head and lower his eyes, he's lost hope a long time ago, maybe around the time where Ryan killed himself. But why did I say this aloud. If Sydney is alive Ryan, Zack's best friend, took his own life for no reason. "Bring him in, please. I don't feel like getting up." He nodded his head and left.

He closed our bedroom door and I start to listen, I hear my boys playing downstairs, and my girls soft snores. When you become a mother, your senses get better with each child. Its a protection thing. I start hearing footsteps, one was really heavy, Tait, I know its been forever since he's been in a house and he doesn't know how to take gentle steps. Zack opens the door and my expression when I saw Tait would probably be what you referred to as inappropriate.

He's alot bigger, in height and muscle. His, what used to be short and inky hair, was long and curled at the ends. His facial expression used to be welcoming and warming, but now it's deadly and terrifying. I don't know what's happened to him in the past twelve years, but I do know it was worth it. "I found her Candice, but she's running away."

I stand up. "Why?"


Okay guys, I know what you're thinking, but think again. I wrote Epilogue to trick you, when really, this is the prologue and recap to the sequel of this book, Double Instincts. I hope you guys enjoy the sequel, you can find it in my works and or published RIGHT NOW!

Guys, you must know this was my first book on WattPad so therefore, the sequel will be a whole lot better than this. The cast may not be the same, but at least you'll be able to picture them in your head. I hope you guys love the next book.

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