Chapter 23 *A&B*

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Sydney {POV}

       The top of my foot was bruised. I had a couple of cuts, with unnecessary small shards stuck in my foot.
       When Jackson found out what happened he socked Aaron in the face, they fought but I convinced them to stop fighting before someone got seriously hurt.
        Jackson got so mad at me for trying to protect Aaron, but one kiss on the lips cooled him.
       As of now, Jack sentenced me to bed rest till my foot was healed. He loved me and I couldn't be mad at him.
      Jackson took the whole day off to be with me and we were watching Persey Jackson Sea of Monsters as his head layed on my stomach and my hand was on his bare back.
        I could tell he fell asleep, his breathing was a little heavier.
       I kissed his head and slumped a little bit so he didn't wake and I can sleep little more comfortable.
       "Good night." I whispered as my stomach held his head.
       He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and placed his head on my chest. "I love you, Sydney." He murmured into my chest.
         I started playing with his hair, and took me a while to say it back. "I love you too, Jackson."
         With the simple three words said, we fell asleep.


          My eyelids refused to open but as they did the small streams of sunshine stretched across the room through the closed blinds.
         I tried to turn around but I couldn't get away from the rays. Jackson still layed sleep but as his eyes fluttered I knew he was awake.
         I scooted closer to him. When I pecked his lips and he pulled me closer to him and kissed me back. "Mourning, babe." He said as he rolled to where he was holding me on top of me.
           "Mourning, Jackson." He kissed me deeply and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.
         "Love you, Sydney," He said in between kisses, "so so much." He trailed the kisses from the my lips, to my jaw line, to my neck.
       "Mm, stop I have to brush my teeth." I said in a soft moan.
       "You have the best morning breath, don't spoil the moment love." Jackson said.
       He brushed his lips up my neck and crashed his on mine. It was ten in the morning and not time for this.
       I slid out of his grip and headed towards the dresser. "Today's a busy day, and we can start it off in the shower, not bed." I looked back at Jackson and his eyes were filled with amusement and lust.
       "We're finally getting somewhere." He hopped out the bed and dragged me into the bathroom closing the door behind him.
       This will be amusing.


       When we got out the shower, Jackson was as if a different person.
       "Finally, I should be good for about a week." He didn't bother to wrap a towel around his waist, but to put socks on his feet.
       "Only a week?" I asked I'm a surprised voice.
       "I already told you this. It's summer and male vampires are very horny around this time of year." He explained walking into the room for his clothes.
       "I know, but a week, that's not long enough." I protested.
       "Most guy vampires perfect twice a day. I'm not that type. Six times in a month will do." I rolled my and began combing my wet hair.
       I had my towel wrapped around my body to sheild myself from him. I walked into the walk in closet and right when I was about to grab my clothes, my towel was yanked off my body.
         "Jackson!" I yelled, but he only had a pleased grin on his face.
         "Don't hide yourself from me. I won't do anything without your permission." He finally had boxers on, but I was still nude.
        I felt his hands grip my sides softly as he dragged his front to my back. He layed small kisses on my shoulder, then neck and even nibbled on my ear lobe. "Just tell me when to stop princess." His warm breath trailed down my neck, leaving a buring sensation for more. He let his hands graze my thighs and trail up, giving me shivers of delight.
       "S-sto-" I tried to say the word, but my mouth and brain were trying to work at the same time instead of brain the mouth.
      He layed his neck on my shoulder and hummed. "Hmmm, what was that darrrling." The vibration of his voice on my skin sent waves of want throughout me. "Jackson." I moaned his name as he made small delicate kissed down my spine.
         He brushed his lips up my spine followed by his light touch.  "Say my name again. That sounded, sexy." Jackson whispered, and to my luck, there was a knock on the door.
          Jackson hissed and covered me with his robe.
        "Who's at the door!?" He yelled.
        "Monte. It's time for us to take Richard back to The Silver Eclipse pack to be with his brother." His voice sounded deeper, maybe because of the thick wood keeping us apart.
        "We'll be ready in ten." Jackson said, giving Monte the signal to leave. I wasn't surprised he was a little cranky though.
       "Get dressed gorgeous. This isn't over yet, you never said stop." Jackson teased.


      I was wearing my usual bored wear which was a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt.
     "He Candi." I greeted as she stopped talking to Davis.
     "Hey Syd, you met Davis?" She asked. 
     "Ya, a couple days ago. Hey Davis." They were eating Steak'n Shake and seemed to be getting along. I didn't want to intrude.
     "Have you seen Gabby?" I asked.
     "Last time I've seen her, her and Scott headed up stairs. BTW they both had looks of lust." Davis said she was chewing on a half waffle fry.
     "No, I just saw her heading towards the dungeon like two minutes ago." Candice clarified.
     "You're probably right, I saw her Scott head up there a couple hours ago." Davis said, I didn't understand why shed give me unneeded information.
      "Thanks girlys." I grabbed a Gatorade and started walking.
      When I was about to reach the dungeon, I felt a hand slide over my behind. When I turned around Jackson stood there like a love struck idiot. "What are you doing, princess?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist, from behind.
         "Going to the dungeon." I told him followed by a kiss on his cheek.
         "Mhm, they found a rouge vampire. He's bad and I don't want you down there." He whispered in my ear, and started kissing My neck.
         "No, PDA by the dungeon." A voice said from behind us.
         Jackson hissed seem to be knowing who the person was I was only baffled.
        I wiggled out of Jackson's grip , he still refused to let my hand go. It was Mason. "Hey Mason." I greeted myself.
        "Sydney. Jackson." He greeted himself in the worst british accent.
        "Go away." Jackson grumbled.
        I slapped the back of his head which he gracefully rubbed for comfort. "Were you going to say something important or were you just be a ignorant ass hole." Jackson said.
         "I think it's important to the both of you. Alph Lucas is worried about his daughter. The other pacts hasn't found her at there's and their last none notification of her was at The Ilver Eclipse pack. They think she's dead. But they going to talk to the last people who've seen her." Mason said. My dad oh shit. I completely forgot.
         "Let them think she's dead." Jackson said.
         "Its not that easy. My dad is Alpha and has the largest pack in the world. Candice is here and her dad's beta. If the-"
       "If they go to the Silver Eclipse pack and talk to them, they're going to tell them everything, and that vampires took her and if they find its they're going to while us o-u-t." Mason finished.
        "Then I'll just meet her dad. Problem solved." Jackson said.
       "Not really. A vampire killed my dad's brother. My dad wouldn't care who you to anyone. He get the chance he'd murder you alive." I tell him.
       "Candice!" I yelled.
       It took her a couple minutes but she got here. "If was dying and called you I would've been dead by the time you arrived." I told her.
       "Okay. Is this a life or death situation?" She asked sarcastically.
      "Actually yes, dads looking for us."
      "You mean our dad's?" I asked in clarfication.
      "Yes, Alpha and Beta." I clarified.
      "We have to leave or you guys are dead."


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