Chapter 32*That Just Happened*

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"He has to know." I tell her.

"I can hide it." She trys to convince.

"Ya, you can hide a giant belly and a explanation as to why your inny is now a outy?"

"No, but Zack isn't Ryan. I'm just scared thing will go down south. Who know?" Candice said worried.


"So you're going to be a actual dad?" Zack asked me.

"Indeed I am. That's why I hadn't wanted to leave Syd's side. I want to be there for her. Why else would I pay Maliki to take over my shifts for me."

"How has she been acting? Like... what does she do when doing nothing?" Zack asked.

"Ask for food or to see Leo or Aroara. Sometimes I'd bring up telling the pack she'd get mad. But today, she wants everyone to know. She said she was going to start off with Candice, and for me to catch up with you." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Candice has been acting a little similar. She always want to have Sandy by her side. When we go out to eat and she add a few food I've never seen her eat before." ,

"What if she's pregnant?" I joked. I started laughing, Then he hit my chest. "Damn, it was just a joke." I say pushing his fist off my chest.

"But what if you're right?" He asked me.

"What if she doesn't know? Sydney didn't know she was pregnant I found out when we we were about to have sex."

"No, it makes perfect since. The past two weeks he's been talking about if I'd like to have kids."

"How did you respond?" I ask.

He face palmed himself. "I told her I didn't want any."

"Really Zac-"

"It was only because when I asked, why she asked the question, she said 'no reason just curious' so I panicked and said I don't really want any."

'Did you know that Candice is pregnant too?' Sydney asked through our link.

'Zack is panicking because he lied to her, and he doesn't know if she's pregnant or not.' I tell her.

"Who are you linking?" Zack asked.

"Oh, Maliki. Just thanking him again."

"Oh... okay."


"Who are you linking?" Candice asked me.


"So... should I tell him off or should I jus-"

"He panicked, Candi. You wouldn't tell him why you were asking the questions so he panicked. You can tell him, when he gets back." I squeezed her knee and got off the bed. "Zack told Ryan, now I'm telling you." I walked about the door. Only seconds later the whole pack looked in my direction as Candice screamed from inside the room.

"She's just really happy." I tell them. A couple nodded their heads on their was others just shrugged their shoulders.

I start hearing screaming coming from my room and open the door to see Leo sitting on my bed amussely watches as Sandy and Aroara arguing back and forth. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Sandy said I couldn't play with Mac, because she was going to play with Mac." Aroara said pointing her small finger at Sandy.

"Who's Mac?" I ask.

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