Chapter 7 *Maple*

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Sydney {POV}

3 Days Later

The rogue boy Nath he's still at the pack dungeon, I wanted to bring him with us, but Walker said he was found on his land so he gets to keep him. Poor kid, he's only my age, who knows what they're doing to him right now.

Nath {POV}

Sydney. She's all I ever think about since she left. When she was here she understood so much. She brong me McDonald's, Burger King, sometimes If I ask for a home cook meal, she'd cook it for me. Two days and I fall in love with the girl. Sydney.
But when she left it was not like I was treated fair anymore, they brong hell here. This was only Day one of being here, and they already made it hell.
A couple guys of guys would come in here and taunt me with really good food, why they toss me a Apple bread and a tea cup of water.
"Hey, are you dead yet?" One guy asks.
I'd see why he'd ask me this, but I wish I was. "No." I say.
"Kid my name's Rodney, before Sydney left she cooked you a burger and put it in the freezer. She told me to check on you and o f you ever looked weak to give to you. Do you feel weak?" Rodney asks.
"Let me put it to you like this. I'm on the tip top of the highest mountain in the world, I feel if I take another breath going to fall off." I Say.
"This is only the beginning. It'll get worse, so take small bites and hide it from the guys when they come. I'm one of the good guys that'll help you every now and then." He whispers. Of course Sydney would do this.
I grab the sandwich with my only free hand. "Thank you." I say.
He only nods and walk away. I stare at the burger, tempted to swallow it whole, but I know better.
I pull the burger out its wrapper. When I took a bite of the food, and drew my mouth away from the burger there was a white paper covered in mayo.
I lick the mayo off the the paper and it read :
I talked to Alpha Walker. When you finally leave that hell whole, you'd be dead. I can definitely die if you don't listen to the simple instructions. By the time you read this it'll be nine o'clock, the wolf clock in front of your cell is a hour and twenty one minutes behind to make you seem like you rotting slowly. No one knows this but Rick told me that when it hits 3:05am no guards are in their till 7:00am. Inside the meat Rick and I put a copy key for your chains to escape. You must leave at 3:20am and My friend Rodney will bring you to me. I can't believe I'm helping you escape :-\ it's weird me helping a rogue. Please listen don't leave any evidence behind so your going to have eat the note and the wrapper the food came in. Rodney you can trust, he'll bring you fresh clothes and you to me. Good luck Nath.
Why would Sydney help me? I don't trust it. I'm not going it seems to good to be true.

Sydney {POV}

"Rick you're an Idiot." I say.
"Speaking of idiot, wasn't Nath supposed to be here ten minutes ago?" Rick asked.
"Ya just about, maybe he decided to eat the burger tomorrow?" I say unsure.
Suddenly I see two pair of eyes. One unrecognizable and the other Nath. As they got closer I realised it was Rodney and Nath in human form using their wolves night vision.
"See your onion burger, you can't resist them." Rick say.
Candice and I got out the car. We both gave Rodney a kiss on each cheek at the same time. "Thanks Rodney." We both say. I push Nath into the car. Candice stayed out side to talk to Nath for a little while.
"You guys were really here." Nath says getting comfortable.
Leo immediately got up and went to Nath.
"Hey Leo." Soon they all joined Leo and to cuddle next to their big brother.
"You know your welcome to join my pack when we get home." I tell Nath.
"I want to, but I can't." He says.
"Why not, where will you go?" I ask worried of his answer.
"The Goddess came to me the night before my patents left. She said I will be going to my real Alpha soon, Alpha Carson." I look over at Rick, that's his last name Carson and every Alpha is referred to by their last name. I thought he was a grey wolf, wait rogues are grey, so before he went rogue he was a white wolf. Then grey and right back to white again. Maybe.
"By any chance are you a all white wolf?" I ask.
"Yep, just like Afradiety. And guess what?" He ask. Last time I heard someone say that he made me mad with his power.
"Yes?" I ask.
He gestured for me to look at Candice, who was only on her phone not caring about what we were talking about. Suddenly Candice phone floated out of her hand and into into Naths. "I have telepathy." He says going through Candice text messages. I take the phone from him and and gave it back to Candice.
"But I learned white wolves can't use their powers on other white wolves. When you do you nose bleeds." I looked at Rick who was whipping his nose.
"Thanks for not telling me earlier. What's your full name?" Rick asks.
"Nathon Matthew Nelson. Yours?"
"Rick Carson, I don't have a middle name." He says. Baths eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"You're not my Alpha are you?" He asks.
"Yes, I am. That's what the Goddess told me. Alpha of the White Moon Pack." Ricks says smirking.
"Hold on. The Goddess says that she gives Afradiety to you to be your daughter, so what does that make Nath?" I ask. Suddenly that question seemed to be the only important question in the world to us.
"No way. I'm supposed to be Beta." Nath says.
"Rick was beta." I tell him.
"Then You're Beta." Rick says. I forgot Rick was twenty two.
"That's sounds right." Nath says.
We all except Candice let out a sigh of relief. I don't know why I did.
I open the black slot that leads to the driver seat, where Frisco drives. "Frisco, can we stop at the next gas station?" I ask him.
"Of course Sydney." He says politely. With that I closed the black slot back.
The guys ended up talking and finding a lot in common. Candice accidentally fell asleep on Ricks lap. And I just layed on Naths, but when he kept stroking my hair I went to sleep.
When I woke Nath was sleep, I pulled out my phone to tell time. 12:49pm. Great.
I wasn't in the mood to be by myself. But I was the only one up. Even the pups was sleep, well Frisco was up. I saw we were outside of a gas station. I got out the car and went in.
I saw Frisco he was in the soda area, he looked really sleepy. "Hey Frisco." Said waving to him, he was a but surprised by my appearance.
"Hello Sydney."
"You have the GPS on, right?" I ask him.
"Yes, ma'am." He says.
"You look tired, I'll drive the rest of the way. You can just sit in the passenger seat." I tell him.
"Thank you Alpha, but I insist on finishing buying the goods." I saw he had was holding a lot of goods. Twinkies, Cookies, Takis, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, even a couple of beers. I smiled at him and took half. When we were at the counter it only rang up to thirty six dollars.
I helped Frisco fill the mini fridge and the cabinet by the window. He took his place in the passenger seat as instructed to.
"Thank you Sydney I've been driving for ten hours, I'm exhausted." Frisco says adjusting his seat so he'd be comfortable.
I began driving and it wasn't long before I heard Frisco soft snores. I decided to skip the RichWood Pack for Naths sake.
I was driving for two hours when I heard the slot slide open.
"Hey Sydney." Nath said in a flirty voice. I tried to muffle my laugh considering you can see dried drool from his mouth to his cheek. "What's so funny?" He asked.
I looked at him in the rearview mirror and place my finger on my cheek, scratching nothing. He put his hand on his cheek. "Other one." I said. He moved his hand to his other cheek. He began to scratch and white flakes floated down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I bust out laughing. It was the simple fact that he was trying to be smooth and flirty when he forgot to look in a mirror.
He closed the slot, and my laughing died down, im surprise My laughter didn't wake wake Frisco.
3 Hours later

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