Chapter 11 *Club Luna pt1*

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Sydney {POV}

Malcon wanted us to match for the club but I wasn't sure about it. I have no idea what he's wearing, and he has no idea what I'm wearing.
'What are you wearing, I kind of didn't bring my club clothes.' Candice asked through mind link.
'Leather black booty shorts and a hot pink crop top, with with my black leather combat boots.' I tell her through mind link.
'Thanks girl I have an idea.' She said and cut off the mind link.
I knew there was something up, she always let me close the link. Maybe she was just excited that we're going clubbing.
When I was done I put my hair in a perfect ponytail using a hot pink ponytail holder. After a couple minutes there was a knock.
"Come in." I say.
Someone snaked their arm around my waist and pulled me into a deluxe kiss. When I opened my eyes saw Malcolm, wearing black and pink. Candice.
I broke apart and stared at his outfit as he stared at mine.
"I thought we agreed not to match." We both said.
"I'm guessing great minds think alike." He said placing another kiss on my lips.
"Maybe, maybe not." I didn't want to accuse him him of something he probably didn't do. I took a swift of and their was no scent of Candice, I guess both have since of fashion.
"Hmm?" He asks.
"You have a hat, I don't." I tell him.
He kissed my bare hair. "That can be changed." He says.
He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me to his room.
I sat on his bed as he ravaged through his drawers of a million hats.
He eventually pulled out a hat opposite of his. He sat a pink hat with the hood black, he gave me a black hat with a pink hood. But my hat had pink letter written Diva, his hat had black letters written King.
"Do have two of every hat combination colours?" I ask him.
"No, of course not that'll be silly," he pulled out a stripped pink and black hat, it had a silver word that read, Clasic."Three of every combination color, my love." He says putting it back in the drawer. He stuck his hand out for me and I grabbed it as he insisted.
We were the second ones to be Do down there Candice and Cameron were there. They were both matching. Candice wore her brown leather shorts and boots with a blue crop top like mines. Hmm she really did need help.
"Give you bother a leather whip, and y'all be sexy as hell." Cameron said.
"No doubt about it." Malcom agreed.
"Hate to ruin you guys admiring lust moment. What's the occasion?" Candice asked.
"Its my birthday celebration, the way I want it," Nate said walking into the living room. He looked at Candice and I smiled. "and I know what I want from you two." He said. Malcom and Cameron growled lowly.
"I just want a picture with them on my lap, nothing freaky." He said hands up surrender.
"No you weren't." Rick said coming in hand I'm hand with April. I wasn't jealous anymore or Rick and April, I was happy for them. But what was Nate thinking about.
"Right, and how would you know?" Nate asked.
"He can read minds." April said for him.
"Then what was he thinking about." Cameron asked.
"Ya, what about." Malcom protested.
Rick laughed and took a sip of his water before answering. "He wanted a picture of them having a three some." He said ending with a small chuckle.
Cameron and Malcom took Candice and me off their lap and stood up, growling.
Sydney, if anything were to happen to our mate, we are to go to Malcom. He barely knows us and he's acting like we're his mates. He's ours.
Maple left as quickly as she came.
"How about we go and find his mate so he can stop thinking about ours." Cameron said.
"We have to wait for my girlfriend, Clair. So you lied." Nate said pointing to Rick.
"White wolves powers never lie." Clair said coming out of the dark. A tear shinning on her perfectly smooth cheek, as another jumped the border of her eyelid.
"Clair, i-" He tried to reach for her, but she stepped and walked fastly away from him.
He chased after her, "What's her power?" I asked April.
"She's lie a lie detector. Which I don't understand why she'd be with Nate. Who's a pathological liar." She says.
"And then their were six." Candice said.
"Maybe since the main boy isn't going, none of us shouldn't go." I said in a little hope.
"Just because they're not going doesn't mean we shouldn't go. Come on Sydney, Malcom still here." Candice said. I gave Malcom a glance and a small smile.
He smiled hopefully. "Okay, let's go."
"Hold on three if us have to stay sober." April said.
"Or, I could go to Frisco room ask if he can drive the limo, and we can all get as drunk as we want." Candice said.
"Ya, like he'd listen to betas daughter." I said in pfft voice.
"I know, but he'll listen to the Alphas daughter." She poking my stomach causing me back into Malcom.
"Fine I'll mind link him." I said. "I still can't believe I let you convince me so easily." I mumbled.
'Frisco can you take me and a couple of friends to Club Luna.'
"I'm not Frisco." Rick said.
"Sorry, I have a lot of mind links." I say.
'Frisco can you take me and a few friends to Club Luna.' I ask.
'Yes ma'am, I'll be down in a few.' He says.
I smile knowing that I've got the right one this time.
Next thing you know Nath and some girl I haven't seen before came into the room. "Uh, Nath, who's the girl?" Candice asked.
"My name is Maddison. And Nathon is my mate." She said placing a firm kiss on his cheeks.
Nath found his mate. Cute. She wad really pretty two, she seemed to be out his league. Her hair was blonde and brown, with small curls so compliment it. Her blue eyes, as if pieces of the sky fell around her black pupils. She was ultimately, exactly Naths type.
"Ain't she a beauty." Nath said.
"Ya." "She sure is." "Not as beautiful as Sydney." Malcom said the last part, earning him a kiss on the lips.
"I owe it all to Ricks creepy bowtie knife, and creepy appearance in Sydney's room. When I left the hall, I ran into this beauty on my way downstairs." He said placing a finger on her chin.
It wasn't long, maybe five minutes, when Frisco came down stairs.
We finally arrived at Club Luna, and the air was filled with werewolf scent.
"It fills like forever since I've been here." I say.
Candice and I yanked our mates out the car and hurried in.
Their was two enormous men-wolf who stayed in front of the entrance.
"You have to show them you're a werewolf, by your eyes." Malcom whispers in my ear.
"Names?" One of the men asked.
"Um, Sydney, Malcom, Candice, Cameron, Maddison, and Nath." I tell him pointing to everyone.
"Eyes." He says.
We all flickered our eyes to our wolves, and they let us in.
We all headed to the first.
"Would you like anything to drink?" The bar tender asked from behind the counter.
"A bottle of Tequila please." I said, he nodded and headed towards the back.
"Skip the beer and straight to the liquor, aye babe!" Malcom yelled over the loud music, he turned me around and wrapping his arms around my waist.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You'd see why!" I yelled back, pulling him into a kiss.
The bar tender gave us our drinks and we headed over to a table large enough to fit us, and we played. Never have I ever.
We got a five seated table and so I sat on Malcoms lap. Suddenly something that smelled really really good. It came from behind me so I only assumed it was Malcom.
"Babe you smell really good." I told and and planted a kiss on his lips. "You do too princess."

Ryan {POV} (He's a new Character that'll have a lot to do with for the rest of the book. Ryan was also mentioned by Clair earlier in the book.)

"Zack, do you smell that?" I asked.
"The smell of Lavender and Maple syrup." He says.
"Ya." We were are at the only werewolf club for miles around. Club Luna.
We were in the sitting area and not ready to dance until we were drunk. I looked over at a five seated table, and saw six. Zack must've noticed me starring off because he followed my gaze.
I was mainly looking at a girl was on her a guys lap. They were matching from head to toe. She was drinking shot after shot of Tequila. I counted eleven cups and they cheered.
"Those guys got hella good looking girls. They know how to have fun." Zack said, pointing a finger the cups. "Mainly that girl, bro that's eleven shots." He said.
"I know. I think that's where the smell is coming from." I told him.
The girl got up and the fell, then her mate grabbed her before she could hit the ground. He's a good mate, I'm going to be a good mate.
"Lets go ask if we can hang with them, they seem like cool werewolves." Zack said. The same girl slammed down the sixteenth shot cup.
"Ya, come on." When we got up they started the dancing lights. It makes it almost impossible to see where you're going.
"Hey can we join you guys." I asked.
"Ya, why not. I'm Cameron. This is Candice, Nath, Maddison, Malcom and Sydney." Cameron said pointing to everyone except two.
"Dip stick you forgot Rick and April," Sydney said, she sounded drunk. "The girl is Rick and the guy is April." She said, but I'm pretty sure she was wrong.
"Sorry, she's trying to win a bet saying she can drink twenty shots of Tequila. The girl is April, the guy is Rick." Malcom said clearing the air.
"That's what I said, Mally." Sydney said.
"Can we sit?" Zack asked.
Candice sat Cameron's lap. April sat on Ricks lap. Maddison sat on Naths. Nath, that's a weird name.
"Nathon, we need more Tequila. I think I want to jump to Sydney's level." Maddison said. Wait Nath is his nick name for Nathon that makes since.

"Malcom, I wanna dance, let's go dance. Or better yet the single bathroom." Sydney said.
"Lets dance." Malcom said.
Sydney kissed him and ran her hand through his hair. "Lets go to the single bathroom." Malcom said. She got up and grabbed his hand, waving good bye.
She looked sexy as hell. Leather shorts that showed some ass. A hot pink shirt to be noticed in the dark. The leather combat boots that hugged her legs, and stopped under knee. Something about her just screamed, mine.

Okay that was something. Don't drink Tequila although taste good to your tongue and liquor part burns your throat with delight, don't drink it.
Well, the next chapter with rock. Main photo pic in the beginning is Naths mate Maddison.


I'd most likely stay up to three in the morning again to work on the next chapter, but it'll be worth it. Sorry if I made mistakes, I'll fix them later.

<3 Updating soon £>

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