Chapter 33 *Un-named*

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I walked into house and searched for Afradiety.

She was sitting with Mac talking. "Daddy get down!" Afradiety yelled.

I dropped to the floor, last time she said that a bullet pierced the wall.

I hit the floor and Afradiety and Mac burst with laughter.

"Afradiety?" I grunted.

"Sorry, Mac dared me to."

"That's not funny, and you should know better Mac. How would you feel if your father was to find out?" I ask.

"Sorry, Mr.Carson. please don't tell my dad." Mac begged.

"I won't, but Afradiety we need to get home." She hopped off the steps and waved Mac goodbye.

"Why do I have to go?" She asked.

"Because mamma's there, and she wants to see her baby girl."

"Sydney's my real mom." She mumbled.

I put Afradiety in her car seat as always, but she only pouted and crossed her arms. I got in the driver seat.

"I'm sorry, Afradiety." I see her look at me in the rearview mirror.

"Let's just go." She mumbles.

The ride was long quiet and safe.
We get home and Jason and Hendry were playing games. Afradiety walked to her room, ignoring everyone on the way. I walk into my bedroom too April wearing her silk white sleep wear.

"Hey April." I say, taking off my shirt for a good shower.

"Nath, needs to speak with you. He says it's urgent."

"After my shower." I tell her.

"Now, Rick."

I put my shirt back over my head head towards the betas office.

I open the door to see no one. "Nath?" I ask.

That's when a door open and a messy headed Nath walks in. "Guess who's trying to compromise a war?" Nath asked.


He slid a yellow folder with a couple papers inside. I open it and Nath says, "Jackson."


Candice told Zack, and Zack told me me acted cool, but Candice told me a completely different story.

Candice and I decided to go behind the boys back and see how long we've been pregnant. I've been pregnant for three months and a week. Candice has been pregnant for two months and three weeks. I wonder how the boys planned to impregnate us in a two week difference.

Right now Candice and are sneaking away from the guys, although they'd be pissed that are. We're getting a check up, and Candice wants to go first.

"They're healthy and just keep eating at your same rate." The nurse told Candice.

"They're, as in they are?" Candice asked.

"Yes, they're. You're having twins." Candice went wide eyed.

Something told me She didn't want two kids. She want to one. No wonder why she was fatter than me.

"The guys are going to kill us when they find out we left without them." Candice says.

"See we would, but we love you two too much." I turned around and Zack and Ryan standing in the door way. Great.

"Are these your men?" The nurse lady asked.

"Yes." I answer.

Ryan stood by my side, and watched as saw him get a hold of his questioned face. "Do you think we could find out what sex the baby is?" Ryan asked.

"Uh, sure. Why not." Ryan smiled down at me and I smiled at him. At first I wanted to be surprised, but no not at all.

"Do you know what gender our baby is?" Zack asked Candice.

"Babies, and no?" Candice corrected.

"Babies? As in more then one?" Zack asked.

"Yup. Double the trouble." Candice put up two and wiggle her fingers.

"Somebody owes me thirty dollars and and a horse."

"You horse back ride?" The nurse asks.

"Oh, sure." His wolf loves to eat horse meat. I hate that fact, because I love horses.

"Where the hell am I going yo get a horse?" Zack overreacted.

"A stallion. They're the best type."
"You tame stallions. My Little girl found a lone foal by its self and its a stallion." The doctor asked.

I could tell he was oblivious to what a foal was by the confused expression crossed his face. 'A foal is a baby horse' I link him.

"Oh, see, it probably wondered off and the moms near by." He says.

"Oh okay. I really thought you would've known by now." The nurse or doctor says.

"Know what?" I ask.

"I'm a werewolf too, just really good at hiding it." She says. She looks at Ryan, and her eyes changed to a foggy yellow.

"How did... I would've smelled you." I say.

"Wolfs bane. It could kill wolves if it's injected into their system. But if it's sprayed on like perfume then you can't sense a thing." She smiles.

"So what are you?"

"The un-named helper. The Goddess sent me, you're in trouble."

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