Chapter 22 *Tait*

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Tait {POV}

"Its not that bad Tait." Richard said from the across from mine.
"We're rogues. Locked up in vampire dungeon. Not to forget the hatred between our kinds." I say on a duh tone.
"Well, I've been rogue longer so I've been worst." I was getting irritated. I was always a roll model and guy to be looked up at. Now look at me.
"Calm down Tait they're go to let us go. Yes they killed Phil, but your lady friend will help us." Richard said trying to lighten up my mood.
Phil. Richard. Tait. Rogues.
"Why did you become rogue, if your past life was so perfect." He asked.
I sighed. "My mate died. Then I met a lovely girl, Sydney. Then she finally turned seventeen and went searching for her mate. So I ha-"
"Is her name Sydney Hayes?" He interrupted.
"Yes, how do you know?"
"When went to go take tinkle, a few guys were walking by talking about Jackson new hot mate, Sydney Hayes." Richard said in memphis voice.
"You mean she's here?"

Sydney {POV}

When I woke Jackson still had a firm grip around my waist. When I tried to get out he only held tighter.
"Jackson!" I groaned.
He only smiled but it quickly faded once he found comfort on my back. "Jackson!" I whined.
He groaned squeezed me tighter.
Once his grip loosened I turned around. "Jackson can you please let go of me?" I pleaded.
"I'm tired." Jackson groaned.
"Seriously, it's 11:19 in the mourning. Get up." I groaned.
I'm guessing that all I had to say he jerked out of bed and rushed to his closet. "Its almost time for the execution."
"What execution?" I asked.
"Um, some rogues tress pass. Three. So now we're getting rid of one today." Jackson said taking a pair of pants and boxers towards the bathroom.
"Hey! I was going to shower." I whined.
"I have a execution to deliver in less than fifteen minutes. You can join me if you'd like." He asked with a wink.
"During the execution?"
"The shower, princess." He told me in a duh tone.
"I can wait." I groaned.

Tait {POV}

"Who's Richard Roosevelt?" A deep hatred voice asked.
"That'll be I, says the werewolf fly." Richard said. He didn't seem to notice, but it was his day to die and he was making it a laughing matter.
"Its time for you execution, mut." The man said.
"On my toom stone can you write an awesome werewolf and great rogue friend to Tait Williams then I'll be satisfied with death." I was completely confused, why was he okay with this.
The man scrunched down to be eye to eye with Richard. "Listen pal, this us your death. You're going to be sitting in an electric chair with a wet sponge setting on top of the wet cross. Or you get your head chopped off, but that's not your decision to make its the leaders mate. Either way it ends, your body will be six feet under and dead! A couple of guys will be here to get you when we get word from Jackson till then enjoy the moments on earth." The guy said.
"Why can't I be seven feet under?" Richard asked.
The man hissed at Rich, he always had a way with getting at people. The guy mumbled something like, I hope to get the honor of murdering you myself, but the all you can her was the medal door slam.
"How are you unaffected?" I asked, "Even I'm scared for you."
"I was part of a great pack my friend. Brother, mom, dad. But my dad died. My mom's a lunatic. And my brother, Rodney, wants nothing to do with me. So in my position, death is my bestfriend." Richard explained.
"What about me? We've been rogues for a couple months together, ain't I like a brother?" I asked, a little hopeful.
"Sorta. No hard feelings though, right?" Richard asked.
"I guess not." We were silent for about a good twenty minutes.
I heard door creak and thought about one thing. Execution time. "Please just let me speak to him." A familiar, yet beautiful voice asked.
I heard more than one set of footsteps approach. That's when I saw her, the girl went rogue for so I wouldn't have see her with her mate. Sydney Nicole Hayes.
The man opened the cell door, and Sydney walked in, to Richards cell, but I made sure to listen in.
"Thank you Trent, you can go." She said.
"I have to stay. Jackson's orders." Trent said, Syd only rolled her eyes and groaned.
"Why?" Her question was directed to Richard.
"Why what?" He said disrespectfuly.
"Richard, Rodney Roosevelt. I know you brother. He's awesome, cool, a great guy, and your brother. You were apart of a great pack. Why did you leave?" She asked.
"Well princess, my dad's dead and mom is a lunatic. My brother hates me."
"Is he your older or younger brother?"
"More like fraternal twin, but older."
"What made you leave, cause he's perfectly sane and you're rogue."
"Well butterfly, Rodney blamed me for my dad's death, and so did my mom. He was the golden child everyone loved him. But he never get in and only stuck a round others. Did you meat Nate last time I seen the bastard we were sixteen and sneaking out to other pack houses."
"I can keep you living, but it seems as if you're wanting to die. So Richard. You have been found and escaped so many other packs and vampire houses and escaped without a scarr with my old friend."
"Old friend? I heard there was more to that messed up fairytale."
"Listen! Why did you get here and trapped?"
"I've been running, sterling, and hiding for too long. I'm done dying is like handing a hobo a winning lottery ticket."
"Do tell Jackson he wants his death sooner then, because Tommy wants to kill him himself." Trent announced.
"No!" Sydney sounded irritated. "What if I talked to Rodney and Axel see if you can get back to your old pack?"
"To be humiliated!? Ya, no thanks." Richard rejected.
"I can extend your execution but I believe based on a rogues story they deserve a second chance. You deserve a chance and I can will it to you."
"I'd just go rogue again."
"Then we'll find you again and kill you." Sydney said making her statement a clear as day.
"Am I clear." Sydney tried to reassure.
"As clear as day to a blind person." Richard retorted.
Sydney slapped him across the face. "Do you want to live or die!?" She said reaching the maximum level of frustration.
Before he could answer the medal door slammed and a pair of feet approached.
The guy squatted down to be at hight with Syd, and I already had a vibe of hate coming from him.
"Have he decided princess?" He said.
"I was waiting for an answer Jackson." That's the guy my lover is with, he's okay but I think I'm better looking.
He planted a kiss on her temple causing me growl. They both turned around and looked at me.
"I don't like him." Jackson said looking at Sydney.
"He's an old friend, Jackson."
"Mhm, and an old friend she used to date." Richard said.
Jackson hissed at me and Richard. "Trent, can you?" Sydney asked.
Trent walked over to my cell and opened the door. Sydney tried to walk through to get to me when Jackson stopped her. "His executions not due till a couple days." He informed her.
"Did you know they dated two years." Richard said.
I growled at him, bust he only chuckled. "Are trying to get me killed sooner."
"No, I just haven't watched tv in a while and drama needs to occur." Richard can only funny until it's your buttons he press.
I saw Trent smile but he tried to hide it when Jackson looked at him.
"We should go." Sydney suggested.
"I have work." Jackson protested.
"You're not spending it down here." Sydney was always good at managing things and people.
"Trent lock up when you leave, and don't let Tommy get a hold of the keys." Trent nodded and they left.
The worse part was Sydney only referred to me as an old friend and didn't say a word to me not even hi.

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