Chapter 15 *Malcoms Mate*

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Sydney {POV}

When we came back Malcom still hasn't come down yet. I was tempted to go back up, but last time he kissed me, and I might go far with him. I don't want that especially because we're looking for his mate, and my mate is down stairs.
When I told them they all looked at me crazy. "Why do you want to help him?" Rick asked me.
"He's our friend, why wouldn't you want to help him?" I asked them.
"He cussed us all put because you walked home with Cameron and Nath. He even called me a whore-rific botch, which Rick did nothing." April said hitting him at the back of his head.
"There's been a couple of times when I've called you a bitch and who're myself." I admit.
"Same." Candice admitted.
"Why!? What have I done?!" April said completely oblivious.
Candice and I both stood up, but our mates reluctantly but us back on their lap. "What do you mean, what did you do!? When Rick was still dating Sydney you kissed him, right in front of her. I that's not bitchy, desperate, or whore like, I don't know what is." Candice clearly pissed.
"Lets go for a walk, 'kay babe." Zack said.
"Do I look like a fucking puppy that needs to be taken for a dumb ass walk!?" Candice protested.
"No you look like a pissed off werewolf that needs to be taken for a walk!?" Zack yelled back, Candice was defeated. None of her boyfriends ever stood up to her when she was in a mood, they were scared.
Looked at him and I felt my eyes burn. "Um, or we could stay if you like?" Zack said after catching my gaze. I mentally thank Violet, she knows when she scares people.
'Thanks girly.' Candiced thanked me through our pack mind link.
"Don't forget to mention he called me a telepathic freak." Nath confronted.
"Don't forget to mention you used your telepathy to send him flying into a wall." I said. Everyone bust out in laughter.
"He just insulted my mate." Maddison said.
"You left me for him." Rick said.
"What the hell do you mean, you left me for April!" I protested. I felt my eyes burn but he was unaffected.
My eyes went back to normal and I was on Ryan's lap perfectly fine.
"Does anyone else have some beef with Malcom?" I asked, completely frustrated.
"You have a history with him." Ryan said.
I growled. "Fine, considering he made me cry and caused all this. I'm still a loyal friend and I'm going to help him. I have beef with everyone except Ryan, Clair, Malcom, Nath, and Maddison," she clapped like a four year old who just got a Lilly pop.
"If I didn't forgive you guys, April would be in the infirmary in a coma, and every time she wake up she'd go back to sleep. Rick would probably be dead for being a ass whole, and a selfish bastard. Zack needs to stop trying be in control of Candice, she's independent. Nates a perverted bitch. And Candice convinced me to go to the worst night of my life, which I'm no longer mad about. You all have done something but I see I'm too damn forgiving. I see I shouldn't forgive or forget anymore." With that I got up and headed towards stairs to see Malcom waiting patiently.
"Thank you, Sydney." Malcom said.
"Don't thank me Malcom. Lets just go, before I lose it." I tell. I turned around with him right behind me.
I saw Ryan stand then, April, Rick, Nath, Maddison, Candice, Zack, Nate, and Clair.
"Change of minds?" I ask.
"I don't want to be in a coma all my life." April said.
"I don't wanna die." Rick said.
"I can't live with my best friend hating me." Candice said.
"I don't want my mate to hate me, or be alone with him." Ryan said, head down and hands in his pockets.
"If I were to die, don't want you to remember me as a perverted bitch." Nate confronted.
My eyes turned red and red through them like a lie detector. They were all telling the truth. My eyes turned blue again and we headed to Club Luna where Malcom can pick up her scent, then we'll follow it on feet.
There was a large silence in my car. I say didn't like it, I don't like it, it's boring. "I'm sorry, for calling you a whore-rific bitch." Malcom finally said.
I wanted to sit in the passenger seat, but Malcom was driving and Ryan doesn't like me close to Malcom.
"And for calling you a telepathic bitch." Malcom continued.
"Don't apologize, if they don't forgive, don't waste your breath." I tell Malcom who simply shrugs.
"I forgive you, Malcom." April said after about twenty minutes.
"As do I." Nath says.
"As do you what?" I say, before Malcom gathered his words in his mouth.
"I forgive him." Nath said.
"Who?" I ask.
Nath let out a frustrated sigh. "I forgive, Malcom." He says.
"And you're directing that message to?" I ask, knowing I'm pushing him off the edge.
He turned guys head to Nath, while his eyes rimmed away from me. "I forgive you Malcom." I gave myself a winning smile and planted my head on Ryans chest.
'We need to talk, Sydney.' Ryan tells me link wise.
'Link wise?' I ask him.
'Its not something I want them to hear.' He says.
'Fine, what about?' I ask him.
'Him, Malcom. Do you still have feelings for him?' He asked me.
'No,' I lied. 'He's always been their with me in tough times. So I'm their for him. Its complicated. I have a connection with him, but not like yours.' I tell him.
I felt his chest tense and his grip on me was stronger. 'Not like our?' He trusts to conform.
'Sure.' I say.
'Okay.' He planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Mal are we even close?" I groan.
"Well, we were then this stupid black jeep got in front of us and is driving at the slowest speed limit." He began honking the horn. Then the person in the drivers seat stuck his middle finger out the window.
"Malcom there's a black jeep behind us too." April said.
"And next to us." Nath said.
We drove on the bridge and we were trapped.
At the back of the black tinted window I saw a man pull out a gun. "Its an ambush!"
I opened the slid thing on the roof. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ryan asked me.
"We're trapped. I giving us an escape goat." I said.
'Candice are you guys trapped too.' I asked through mind link.
'Ya, by these stupid black jeeps.' She said.
'Ask Rick if theirs a gun in the glove department. Climb to the roof of the car next to yours. Knock out the everyone, kill them if necessary. The drive the car to give them a option to exit the trap.' I tell her.
'Okay.' She says.
"Malcom is there a gun in the glove department?" I ask him in a rush.
"Um, Ya." He opened it and gave me a pistol and extra bullets.
"Your not going up their." Ryan demands.
"I've killed four men twice my size and that were holding me at gun point, I killed them with their own guns. I think I can handle it." I said with my eyes red.
He hesitantly let go. "She's got this," Malcom told Ryan. "Or else I wouldn't have given her the gun." Ryan only growled.
I made to the roof, I saw Candice on top of the other car and I jumped to the car next to us. I looked over at the car Candice was in, and saw it was, tumbling. It was about to go off the bridge when I caught it and placed it up right. Damn, that was too close. I heard four gun shots, saw Candice driving with a car, she gave me a nod as Rick followed behind Her.
My turn.
I opened the slot and the man poked his head with a gun. "You're beautiful, to bad you're gonna be dead." He says.
I used my telepathy and took his gun and put it in my free hand. "To bad you're gonna be dead handsome." I said. He got down the whole and I followed.
This might be fun.
I jumped down the hole, and saw four people.
There was a man around his foetus, a girl blonde hair blue eyes around my age, the guy that was holding a pistol, and another girl the age of the blonde girl.
I took the bottom of the gun the guys head, and the brown head girl. I knocked out the driver and left the girl alive.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Sydney." I told her.
"You look really familiar, were you at clu- Sydney Hayes." She asked.
"Yes, why?" I asked.
"Because you're the bitch my mate rejected me for. He said 'I Malcom Prince reject you Becky William for Sydney Hayes' he scarred me, I went to packs gym fighting non-stop. My goal was to kill you to get my mate." She said. That's Becky, she beautiful, she makes me look like a fucking pig, I hate her already.
"Well Malcom regrets it. We were going to Club Luna so he can pick us your scent. I was the only willing to help him find you. Malcom and I are just friends now nothing more nothing less."
"I wish you were less, you have a history with him, and I'm pretty sure it was sexual." She says crossing he arms.
"Yup, if it make you feel any better my mate was pretty pissed too." I told her.
"Is he good?" She asked me.
"At?" I say obviously knowing what she was talking about.
"Sex, duh?" She says.
"Yes." I tell her.
"Fuck, I'm a virgin." She said.
"You'd be fine. Hell your pretty, I'm actually surprised." I tell her.
"My mom told me when you have sex, it should be with your mate. My brother didn't listen and now he's dead. But I was always mamma little girl." She told me.
I rolled down the window, I saw a can of soda and through at the window.
"What the hell Sydney, a mind link wouldn't have ruined my window!" He yelled.
"Sorry, Becky is in the back seat, she has some explaining to you!" I do. He stopped his car.
He stopped the car and so did. He got out the car and his expression wasn't happy, he slammed the door and we all got out.
"Your friend up ahead broke my win sheild, by shooting at us!" He yelled, at his mate.
"Sorry! We looking for the girl my mate rejected me for I
sunk revenge." She said.
"That's real bitchy you know." He says. Why is he acting this way to his mate?
"I am half bitch." She says.
"Come on let's reunite, and forget what happened." Malcom says trying to compromise.
"Not until you kill her." She says pointing to me.
"What!? No, hell no." Malcom said, waving his hands in front of him.
"Then we're taking you all out, Malcom." We all looked at her crazy.
We then heard car doors open and close, and some guys came out carrying guns. I looked at Nath.
'Lets take they guns, shall we?' I ask him through a mind link.
'Ya, do we give them to us, who are good?' He's asks.
"READY!" She yelled.
'Yes. When she says aim.'
A smile stretched across her face. "AIM!"
Nath and I took the guns and I grabbed the guns from my back pockets. I pointed my guns at Becky, and some guy that tried to sneak up behind me.
"Malcom, it's your decision. I could pull the trigger or we can leave, with the one still living alive. Its your choice Malcom." I tell him.
'She to kill us, you don't need Malcoms permission.' Ryan says trying to convince me.
'Its his mate, I'm pretty sure if someone had me at gun point after I tried to kill you and your friends. You'd want to make the decision.' I told him.
"Mally, don't let her kill me." Becky pleaded.
Malcom kept his gun, up to a brown haired guy. He was so confused.
"Why do you want Sydney dead?" He asked.
"I walked in on you about to have sex with her," She said. I heard Ryan growl. "I just want to make sure you don't have feelings for her anymore, and this is the only way." She said.
"But I don't, we're just friends now, nothing more nothing less." He said.
"That's exactly what she said." Becky told him.
"Because it's true!" Malcom yelled.
"You have three choices Mally. You kill her, I kill her, or Travis kills the both of you." She said. This was one pissed bitch.
"Malcom, don't screw up. That's my mates life on the line." Ryan said.
"Shut up Ryan!" I yelled.
"You have your mate, how come YOU GET A HAPPY EVER AFTER!" Her mood mood changed from interested to furious.
"I don't know, may because YOU'RE A PSYCHOTIC BITCH!" I yelled.
"You know I'm sick of this, I'm just going to kill you." She reached down her boot and pulled put a pistol.
I dropped my gun. "I can't do that to you Malcom, I won't." I dropped the other gun.
"SYDNEY!" Ryan tried to run towards me, but I stopped him.
Nath tried to run towards me but I stopped him as well. "You saved me, Sydney. Let me return the favor, please." Nath pleaded.
"Its only one person decision." I say.
"Mally, is it me or her?" Becky said cocking the gun.
I told you I'd update soon.
I'm starting make a couple be 'die' or not. But you can read to find out.


<3 Love you guys and girls £>

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