Chapter 8 *Jealous*

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Sydney {POV}

I don't even know how he found me, was he reading my thoughts.
He just wants to make sure you're okay so he can leave to be with April.
'Sydney that's not true, I love you.' Rick said through our mind link.
He's lying. He only going to try and hurt you again.
'In not lying Sydney. Don't listen to your wolf.'
Don't listen to him, I'll help. I cutting off your mind link.
I tried to reach him it was no use. She cut our mind link completely. So I started running my way to the pack house.
When I got there I saw Candice on the couch. I transformed and walked to the house, I used my wolf speed to get to my room.
I grabbed my undergarments and headed for the shower.
When I got out decided to watch a movie, but I didn't want to be alone.
'Nath, do you want to watch a movie with me?' I asked. I didn't know whether or he was mates with Clair or not.
'Ya, I'll be up. Want popcorn?' He ask.
'Yes please.' I say politely.
I decided to put on my grey sweat shirt and my pink work out shorts. By the time he arrived, I was really comfortable.
I heard knock on the door.
"Come in Nath." I say.
The door opened and it wasn't Nath. It was Rick.
"Bye." I tell him.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
"No." I say bitter.
"Why not?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes, "Nath and I are about to what a movie." I told as irritation filled my voice. Suddenly I heard an excuse, and Nath came in.
"We'll talk tomorrow Sydney." He said. Then closed the door.
Nath being sweet in all didn't care about what happened, he just helped decided what we were going watch.
I wanted to snuggle close to him, but wasn't sure about him and Clair. So I just asked. "Are you and Clair ma-" He didn't let me finish.
"No. She pretty and nice, but she didn't make me yell mine. A little perky now that I think about it." He says.
I laughed. Perky was the perfect word to describe her.
"I don't remember if I told you about how grateful I am that when I was held captive that you made sure I was strong. All I ever thought about was you, an if I'll ever see you again." He said. By this time my head was on his chest and his arm around my shoulder.
"I wanted to make sure that you were healthy. Plus you were innocent, I had to help as much as I could before I had to leave. One part of me just wanted to help. But the other larger part, wanted you." I told him. At first I didn't want to tell him, but at the same time I needed to. I needed someone.
"Thank you Sydney. I wouldn't be here without you." He kissed my forehead. I shorter than him so I kissed his chin.
I never got to finish Transformers. I fell asleep in the comfort Nath.

Nath {POV}

I hadn't known Sydney had fallen asleep till the credits began to show. I got up gently trying to wake her from her beautiful slumber. When I got loose moved a bit.
"Please stay, just for tonight." She mumbled.
"Okay." I said.
I climbed back into the bed with her. She wrapped her arm around my stomach and placed her head on my chest.
"Night Sydney."
"Night Nath."
When I woke, I was up before Sydney and munching.
When my vision finally cleared I saw Rick in the corner with a bowie knife slicing an Apple and tossing it into his mouth.
"Mourning kid." He said slicing the apple.
I tried to get out the bed, but Sydney's grip tightened.
"Leave Nath." He demanded.
"I can't, she won't let me go." I tell him.
"So a female Alpha is stronger than a male beta?" Rick asked.
"I hope not. She just was hurt and wanted me to spend the night. So I did." Told him.
"Well now it's mourning not night. Leave!" He demanded.
"You leave Rick." Sydney said sleeply.
"We have to talk, not why he's in here."
"I don't want to talk." She said getting out of bed.
"I want to." Rick said.
She took her shorts and sweat shirt off and walked into the closest.She came out with a brush and some clothes. And walked in the bathroom. "Don't stare at her like that again." Rick said.
"Why are you mad?" I asked.
"What did I do?"
"Comfort her."
"She helped through a lot, that's the least I could do." I said.
"Why, so I can be ignored like you? No thanks." I said.
Next thing I know, I hear a creak from the chair he was in, and I was on the floor with his bowie knife sitting on my skin.
"Rick!" Sydney yells.
She took the the knife away from him and pushed him back.
"Both of you out." She shaking her head. She was wearing a crop top with yellow wink emoji, and blue jean shorts.
I opened the door telepathically and got up.
"My knife?" Rick asked her.
"Till you learn not to try and slaughter people in my room, you'll get it back." She said waving the knife around. She threw it at the wall.

Sydney {POV}

I was sick of Rick to the point I could toss him overboard a boat, if I had one.
I decided to go to Candice room. To my surprise Clair was painting Candice finger nails.
"Hey Sydney. I went to get you earlier, but you were with Nath sleep. I didn't want to bother." Clair said.
"WOAH! It wasn't like that, we watched transformers and we fell asleep. I swear to the Goddess." I said surely, with my hands up in surrender.
"When Sydney swears to the Goddess, she's telling the truth." Candice said popping a grape between her lips.
"Well my wolf was right. I shouldn't be 'toying' with boys till I find my mate. And next hour I have to meet with the highest and lowest rank." I said rolling my eyes and stealing a grape.
"My mom's best friend, Ryan, had a son, with a girl name Margaret. Well his son name is also Ryan, some people refer to him as Rj, but he may or may not be your mate." Clair said, opening a blue bottle of nail polish.
"Ryan sounds cute, weekday does he look like?"
"Kind of long kind of short. Oh and these gorgeous eyes. Attitude, well he talks you can tell how he feels." She says with out looking up from Candice naild.
"He's already screaming mine." I say.
"Well sucks, he transferred packs three days ago, with his friend Zack." She says.
"Damn," Candice says. "Wanna cut time here short?" I actually had to think about.
"No, Clairs cool." I said smiling.
Clair squealed and jumped and gave me a hug. Then pushed Candice shoulder for suggesting that.
Our hour had as soon as Clair was done panting my nails. The background was white with yellow enojis on top. It looked really cool.
We were on the couch waiting patiently. When the guys actually appeared.
"I'm Beta Micheal," He said putting his fingers on my chin to lift my head. "Damn, I wanna say your mine, but you're a beauty."
He winked at me then, went to Candice.
Very a lot of packs have third in commands only really big packs. Like this one and mine.
"I'm Carl, third in command," He say, He didn't have lift my head. I just had to lift my eyes. "Sorry, gorgeous." He says, then he moved to Candice.
Then the omega. Who didn't look like an Omega. "I'm Erik, the omega." He was looking down, he didn't look scrawny, or a dork, not even close to weak.
"Are you sure you're the omega?" I ask, extremely unsure.
He laughed a little. "Lot of muscle ... no brain." He said, he chuckled for a ling two seconds and looked up. He was handsome light green eyes, shaggy brown hair hearted pink lips.
When he went to Candice I walked over to Axle.
"Alpha Axle, are you sure Erik is the Omega?" I ask him.
"Ya. All muscle, no brain, he's a tra-"
"You told him that." I said interrupting him.
"You didn't let me finish. He's a transfer, not at my standard." He says.
"He's bigger than your future alpha son." I say.
"Micheals not my son," He states. "My pack doesn't by who's Alpha heir, we go by strongest pups, at young age." He says.
"Alphas offspring are strong, what's it bout Micheal?" I ask.
"Ya, but that's with two Alphas. I wasn't a original Alpha, Ebony was. Not I, I was the seek out." He said.
"Hmm, okay. When do you train." I asked.
"Later today, why?" He asked in a deep aggravated voice.
"I enjoy fighting, but if you don't want me to participate, Candice, Nath, Rick and I will practice else where." I say walking away.
"You can join, but don't complain when we get rough." He warns.
I stop but I didn't turn around. "You obviously don't know me." I pop my knuckles.
I began top walk towards Candice.

Okay before I publish these, Silver Eclipse Pack, so I used a great writers part, just a little bit. I hope she doesn't get upset, but she stopped the book with no sequel :'( so I kinda used some of her characters just for the next two chapters, then they'd be gone. I'm not sure whether or not you'd like this chapter much but I will make it better tomorrow or the day after.

VOTE PLEASE, sorry if I made any mistakes, Love you guys and girls

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