37. Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

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"War?" I asked,

"Yes war... they crossed this line one too many times."

"It doesn't mean were star war between, vamps and weres, kinds it could ruin all."

"Ryan you're still wrong. I suggest you don't talk back to me, the only we speak is 'cause of my daughter."

I'm not a pacifist, but this war could ruin all relations that so little Vampires and werewolves have together. Things would never be the same. "For Sydney."

"For my baby girl... and your mate." I gulp hard and hang up the phone.


Thankful for me, Jackson has not showed. I felt so sorry for Candice, Mason just refused to leave.

"Dear." Sydney whispers, her voice hoarse. "Blood." She started coughing Mason was right by her side.

"Are you okay?" He asks rubbing her back.

"Got to h-" her coughs cut her off, making her able to not say anything.

'Im going to tell him... that you need blood' I link her.

'Don't do that, Sydney, please.'

' My best friend is dying and you want me to anything, sorry birthdays not going to happen.'

I heard hee whimper, but I quickly told Mason everything. By the time I was finished her pants were soaked with tears. Mason looked over at her then at me.

"Is it true, they're mine?" Mason asks.

"Yes, they ar-"

"No!" Candice yelled. "No they're not, she's lying to you!" I looked at her in complete choke, why is she doing this.

'Im sorry, Sydney, but I'm doing what needs to be done.' Her voice whispered in my head.

'No you will kill yourself and have Zack believing for the rest of his life, your death was his fault, and then he'll make his life short-term to be with you again.' I growl aloud and Masons attention was on me.

"What were you linking about?" He asked, his deep voice ruggied.

Candice looked at me warning like, but I ignored her. "She dying. One of the babies are yours and the other us Zacks. The one that belongs to you is draining blood from her, she needs blood or she's going to die." I stresses out. Mason looked wounded but when I took a closer look, one percent was glory. "Why are you happy?" I growl.

"Ah. The Alpha blood. You're smart, Sydney, anybody knows. She's not my mate. She's Matthews! She's been so caught up in not trying to give in she didn't even realize. Kelly's my mate I want nothing to do with'er. Kelly is my love, now Matthew can come in." He smiled with a wink, then left.

Only seconds later Matthew was in here. Green eyes wide, and a bowl of blood. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. He cut the rope that held Candices hands together, and she chugged the bowl so quickly I was amazed.

I heard something slam into the wall and turned around to see Mason swallowing Candice whole. I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to groan.

I looked out the window and a pair of familiar electric blue eyes met mine. In a blink of an eye his eyes were closer and his fingers played upon the window ceil. He slowly placed on finger over his lips. Then he was gone.

"Something smells like wet sheep." Matthew said, wafting the air.

A dominate howl stretched with in miles piercing my ears. Only letting me know one thing.

Daddy to the rescue.

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