Chapter 3 *The Note*

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Original Published Date: 12 July 2015

Sydney {POV}

     I woke up to a bumpy wet tongue on my cheek. When I peeled my eyes open I saw Leo licking my face the day away.

     I picked him up and placed him on by the floor. I saw Aroara, some how she made her way on my dresser, and their layed a golden note sat up like a tent, and a imprint that read Rick.

     I was going to grab it when I remembered what the Goddess told me. I pulled my hand back and grabbed Aroara before her curious mind touched the note.

     I got up and brushed my teeth,  and took a nice thirty minute shower. I put my hair in a ponytail and and wore my black tights with my purple sports bra, with matching shoes.

      When I got downstairs I saw Candice with her hair in a ponytail and wearing a blue sports bra, and matching gym shoes.

     She looked to be really annoyed with Kelly and her new mate. When I saw Kelly she wasn't ready like she should be, she was wearing a large blue T-shirt and pink boy shorts.

     I cleared my throat. "Kelly are you ready?" I asked.

      "For?" She said looking up at what I was wearing. "Oh right, I'm taking a pass." She said sitting on her mates lap.

     I rolled my eyes and looked at Candice. "I hate Reynold so fuc-"

     "Language, Candice, you don't hate him." She rolled her eyes at Rick.

     "Rick can we talk for a minute?" I asked.

     "Ya, I got 36 minutes, whats up?" He asked.
     I gestured for him to come to my room. He followed.

     I picked up Afradiety and handed her to him. "Here you go." I said handing her to him.

     "The beautiful pup?" He asked petting her head.

     "Last night the Goddess came to me and told me their parents needed to die, and she thanks you for killing the dad. That golden note is only meant do you. The Goddess set that their for you in case you didn't believe me. She said you have a better understanding with her, and I'll drop off a pup every where I go. No one but you can touch or read that note." I said holding Aroara.

     "How do I know you're not lying?" He asked smirking.

     "Read the note from the Goddess." I said pointing to the Golden note.

      He reluctantly picked it up.

    "It says 'Rick Carson, it's your choice to tell people or not of this note. I'm your mother, also known as Goddess. I have given you a gift of pure white to your wolf, and ability to read minds. Afradiety is yours, I give her to you because you won't be able to have kids. You will never find your mate, I had to distinguish her. But you will seek love with a girl name of April. I'm sorry. I talked to Sydney, you have to keep in contact with her, act as his your her older protective brother. Afradiety will turn into a werewolf in three weeks, so will the other pups. You will leave with Sydney leave your pasition as beta, and become Alpha. You will be Alpha of a pack you're going to start called the White Moon Pack white wolves around the world will join this pack. I'm sorry you have to leave everything you love behind, but if want to live to see Afradiety shift, you must leave.
  ~Love Mother Goddess
   P.S I'm sorry but you'd thank me for your future.'

"Damn, I'm mateless and am going to be Alpha, and has to stay in contact with you, and act like an older brother." He sounded broken. And I felt for him.

      "I'm, sorry Rick." I said and pulled him into a hug.

      "Goddess orders, sis. I'm just shocked that I'm going to fall for a girl the name of April, and become Alpha of a all white wolf pack. And what really sucks is, if I don't I'll die soon." He tried to hide his sadness with a phony smile.

       "I'm sorry Rick. If I could change her mind or help you in any way. I would." I cooed, but he seemed the same.

       "I guess that's why I loved you but didn't want to be with you. Afradiety is supposedly, my daughter? I really regret reading it out loud. I just wish she didn't tell me she killed my mate, I haven't even met her and I feel lost. What hell am I going to tell Alpha Walker. Fuck!" His sadness and sorrow turned to anger in frustration.

       "Come on a  run with Candice and me, that's how I release my anger and frustration. Better yet, what about a race, I love a challenge." I say smiling.

       "What werewolf doesn't love a challenge? And can you be with me when I tell Alpha Walker?" He asks bit embarrassed.

       "Of course. Now let's go before Candice ends up strangling Reynold or Kelly." I say. He nods and follows me out my door.

When we came down stairs. We came to see a pissed off Candice.

      "What the hell its been an hour since you've been up their, what did you do have sex?" She said over angry.

       I slapped her. "Calm down I'll fill you in later and Rick will be joining us on our run, well race, accuse it again and imma slap your teeth out your mouth," I say, staring at her pissed off expression. "Come on, before accusing some other shit, just because we're standing." I say really irritated.

      She groaned and rolled her eyes following behind Rick who followed behind me.

      Rick ran his anger off and he won, with me in second place. But that was a half an hour ago, and Rick finally got ready to tell Alpha Walker.

       "Are you sure you're ready?" I asked.

       He nodded with a small smile of reassurance.

       I sighed a little nervous, "Okay. Lets go."

     Rick cleared his throat and knocked on the Alphas door.

     He let out a sigh, that said scared. He looked over at me and gave me a small smile. "You can do this," I said in confidence. "We can do this." He gives me a small smile.

       Then the door opened...

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