Chapter 20 *Captured*

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Sydney {POV}

"I don't trust her Syd, I have no reason to." Jackson argued.
"She's right and I do." I told him.
"Sydney I love, and if she really cared for you like Nath and Maddison did. Then she would've came the same day." Jackson said. He was right, what if she's streaking us, what if she's luring me back.
"She wouldn't do that I know her to well." I tell him. But only drink some light blood and sugar.
"I'm going with or without you. So you're coming or not?" I ask. He groaned and chucked his drink.
"Only if I get something in return. I needed a female for a while. Yes, beautiful I need you." He said looking down, then reluctantly looking up. He licked his lips, before I snapped him out if his day dream.
I cleared my throat. "My eyes are up here, babe." I said.
"Ya, but your co-" I cut him off with a defense growl.
"Lets go." I said walking. He followed behind me.
We woddled a couple of times because Jackson felt the need to hug me from behind and pick me up.
"I love you Sydney Hayes, and when we get home, I want to make love to you." Jackson whispered in my ear.
I giggled a little as his soft lips traced my neck. "Gross." A familiar voice said.
I smiled and ran over to Candice. "Come on, we have to get to the river." I said yanking her arm.
She had a duffle bag on my shoulder and she told me she grabbed a couple of my belongings and I was thankful.
We finally reached the river and dived inside to wash away our scent. In case they were following us.
We realized about twenty minutes later I it's been a hour and half, and we still have a ten minutes left till we got to the place.
"How are Nath and Maddison?" Candice asked breaking the peaceful silence of nature under and above.
"I would say they're good, but Nath is suck of the horny vampires trying to still Maddison from him." I say as Jackson grabbed my hand, "yet, Maddison is enjoying the attention. This one guy tried to walk over to her, and Nath sucker punched him." Jackson and I began laughing as the memory replayed in our heads.
"Are all of them horny?" Candice asked.
"Not all, well maybe eighty percent maybe, perhaps a little over. I know a few who aren't fazed by season." Jackson said.
"So how did you and Zack settle things, before you left." I asks Candice who was currently thinking about something.
"He might not know I left till another twenty minutes. He left me and went to Ryan, it pissed me off because I'm his mate and Ryan was his friend. I left him a note, saying he can be with his bestfriend as I can be with mine. I left it at that." Candice looking diwn at the grass. We continued walking.

Zack {POV}

"She left me for a blood sucking ass whole." Ryan said, trying not to cry in front of me.
"Her wolf died. If she was still living she would've chose you over that Jack ass." I said, I looked at the time and saw I've been with for two and half hours. Candice is going to spazz.
"I have to go Ry, but I'll back hopefully." I say.
"Don't even bother." Ryan said, not lifting his head.
I didn't say anytging I just left.
I got in my room, but Candice wasn't there. I assumed she was in the bathroom, but no one was in there.
When I walked out the bathroom I saw her drawers pulled open, I checked in the closet for her duffle bag, but one of them were missing.
I began passing like mad animal, hoping she didn't leave or reject me. I notice the lamp was on and a piece of paper with something written on it.
I lifted the paper and began to read out loud.
" ' I love you Zack, but you can stay with your best friend , while I stay with mine.
I will miss you dearly but I will try and move on, so should you. Maybe you can be with Clair or smeone. Bye Zack.
-Love Candice.' " She did what hopped she wouldn't do in a million years. She left and she rejected me.
I went to the only person who'd at least care a little.
"Rick this is serious, she left and she's becoming a vampire." I yelled.
"To be honest when your mate tells you she wants to do something, you don't leave her for a friend. That all your fault and only you can fix it." Rick said taunting me of my own stupidity.
"You can't say, I don't want to leave being a werewolf is legit, but something that drinks blood from a creature why is still living is despicable." I argue.
"No apparently not if your mate rejected you and told you she was going to move on, says you're ridiculous." Rick took a large gulp of his beer and looked back at the game.
I couldn't take it so I left and went back to my room, where her scent barely lingered anymore.

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