Chapter 18 *Jackson*

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Candice {POV}

The four pink holes turned purple. I looked at Sydney again, who was tapping her teeth.
"I was only using my wolf fangs. Maple and Violet are still alive." She said trying to pull a tooth out.
"No, Sydney. There's rows of of teeth with a werewolf bite. There's only four." I told her, dropping the fascinating arm.
"Yes, but I used my canines. And Vampires don't exists." She said in a obvious voice.
"Well, werewolf aren't supposed to exist, but we do. Maybe they live above us like a bat in a tree." I suggest.
"Or under us like a bat in a cave." Malcom says.
"Hand me the bag with the bullet." Liam said. Ryan grabbed the thing that almost killed my bestfriend.
Liam grabbed it. He rummaged through his drawer pulling out a tinny bottle. It said wb, and had a red 'X' on it.
"Why do you have wolf bane!?" I asked yelled.
"Well sometimes if someone is hurt badly in a war or attack and they get injured pretty bad, it's their family choice to make them not suffer or not." Liam said.
He over to a microscope.
He took a blade and slide some liquid off of the bullet.
He placed the two substances under a rectangle that was being held down by two silver clips.
It took him a minute or to a adjust the blue, yellow, and red,
silver things. He started turning the knob, on the right side, he finally got up after examining.
"Well, what ever it is, it isn't wolf bane, it's a lot stronger there for, Sydney should be dead." Liam said. He started walking over to Sydney, who was trying to suck every once of blood out the bag.
He pulled out a flashlight from the packet if his doctor trench coat.
He shined the light in her eyes.
"How long has it been since you blinked?" Liam asked her.
"I don't five minutes." Sydney said licking the tip of her thumb.
"Cravings?" Liam asked.
"Deer blonde and squirrel meat." She said licking her lips.
"Mhmm, Malcom can I talk to you for a minute he asked.
Malcom looked at me reassuringly. I simply nod and he walked with Liam.
I was staring at the muscle in his back. "Someone has the likes for Mally." Sydney said bitting her finger nail.
"I have Zack." I told her.
"Ya, but to me. Malcoms cuter than Zack." She said trying to get up.
Ryan growled at her for both reason. Sydney laughed at him, "Calm down, you look better Malcom it's just Malcom looks better than Zack." She said rolling her eyes.
"I second that. It goes Zack, Malcom, Ryan." I told her.
"No, it goes Ryan, Malcom, Zack." She said
"I think we should try and listen to what they're saying." Ryan interrupted.
I only rolled my eyes, and Sydney groaned. I tried hear in in, but the my got out of werewolf shot.
"They're not in ear shot, and I'm hungry."I said.
I looked over at Sydney. Her eyes turned yellow and her fangs grew long. "I could eat."

Sydney {POV}

I was beginning to feel drained, I had a strange need of blood. I drank all Malcoms blood, but it only drew him closer to me.
I stared at Ryan, ow how gorgeous. He smiled at me, and continued to listen to Candice who was only rambling on and on about something.
"...ear shot, and I'm hungry." I was I caught in to.
Candice looked at me. I felt my eyes sparkle and I felt a pain in my gums. "I could eat." I said.
Suddenly I felt pain in my lower gums. I began to touch them, and the were dagger sharp. "Cool." I said.
"Woah, um Sydney are you okay?" Candice asked.
"Of course, I just feel hype, and I think my wolf are really hungry." I told her shaking my head.
"Wolf?" Ryan asked.
"Sadly Maple died, well my head had a third figure that killed her. Now it's just violet." I said in a duh tone.
"What third figure?" Candice asked.
"I don't know a giant bat, what the hell are we playing a game of a million questions we're going hunting!?" I said getting out of bed.
"I don't think you should be hunting or moving. Your eyes are yellow and teeth look dangerously sharp." Candice said.
She tried to reach for me, but I moved so I quick life was a blur for a minute. "Sorry, but I'm really hungry and nothings holding me back, until I eat." I said.
I opened the window and climbed that. "Coming babe?" I asked Ryan who looked suspicious, and concerned about Candice.
"No, I think I'll stay and help Candice." Ryan said, sounding completely sure of his idea.
"Fine then I'm, breaking up with you." I said, I turned around, not wanting to look at his reaction, and skipped to the forrest.
Something felt different about me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I was still skipping when I heard a tear of a leaf. I turned around slowly and saw a deer snatching berrys off a bush.
I walked towards the mud, so my steps would be softer. I walked slowly towards it. Some how my jaw opened and my gums pained. Oddly my feet jumped for the deer, but some one screamed boo, and it was gone.
I growled the person, but he wasn't visible. "Where are you?" I said as my tongue slid through my fangs making it sound like I was talking with my tongue between my teeth.
I was circling my around but saw no one. "Look up precious." The voice sang.
I saw a guy sitting in a tree on a branch swinging his legs. "That was my kill douche bag." I said, still sounding like a talking snake.
"Yes, but now it's not." He said.
"Get down!" I demanded in a angry voice.
"Why, and give up this awesome view of you." He said. His flirt was cute, it matched his face.
But his first impression was the worst, my like for him right now was blinded by anger. I walked to the tree was in and began kicking the tree. Some how I was a lot stronger than before.
The tree began to wobble, and dents a little bigger than my foot appeared. I started finding it amusing kicked it even more.
"Shit." I heard, then there was a thud.
I looked as he layed on the ground. I grabbed the color of his shirt and pulled him up.
"Oops." I said, and he gave me a small chuckle.
He finally stood on his own, and dusted his muddy pant and shirt he looked at me. "Never mind, this is a better view." He cupped my cheek. He tried to kiss me, and I accepted him, by kissing him back.
Something in me kissed him, I didn't want to. I pulled back when droplets of water began to shower over me.
"I hate rain." He said taking his shirt off and pulling it over his head.
I took his shirt away from him, and ran up a tree. "Are you seriously doing this?" He said as I set the shirt on the tip top of the tree.
I jumped down landing on my hands and feet. I looked up at him and his eyes were like orange. "Your eyes, they're yellow. You're a newy." He said.
"At what?" I asked, completely clueless.
"Being a Vampire. You know that. Your eyes are yellow and not orange. Red is really cool though." He was so cute, dreamy, funny, and he liked me.
"Well Ya, but I was turned, by a psychotic Vamp who was jealous and poisoned me. I was a werewolf." I explained.
"You're a werewolf and a vampire?" He asked me, I can't forget to add, he sounded excited.
"Ya, you?" I ask.
"Mhmm, but vampire life is so much for fun. So my friends gave me wolf bane, and now I'm only vampire, and hell I love it." He said, he kissed me again, and I don't know what it is about kissing in the rain, but it's so much more passionate.
He broke the kiss, "Come with me gorgeous." He said.
"I don't even know your name, you're a complete stranger." I tell as I began to sink into the mud.
"So, you kissed me twice. My name's Jackson, now come on." He said, grabbing my hand.
"My name's Sydney by the way." I told, as I was being dragged.
"Well. That's sexy." He said.
I admired his face, Jackson's hair was soaked now it wasn't spiked and leaned a little. It was sticking to his face. He was a babe. Now it goes Jackson, Malcom, Ryan, Zack. Now that Ryan and I are broken up Malcom came before him.
I felt my eyes burn and knew they turned red, as a smile widened of his lips.
I'm sorry for Maples death I tried to help, but that thing, it was stronger. I'm sorry, but you can't give into this life. Violet told me.
And why not? I asked her.
You're too good, vampire life is awesome, but if you go I'd die. Violet said.
Says who? I snapped.
Vampire life, I'm a wolf I'm not meant for it. Please. She pleaded.
Jackson had a choice you're going nowhere, Violet, you're staying. I told her.
Thank you Sydney I won't be in the way all the times. She said.
Bye Violet.
Bye Sydney.
I was back in reality and Jackson was really close. I brong my lips to his, and he met me half way.
He bit my bottom lip, but before I could give in, I heard my name.
"Who's calling for you?" Jackson asked.
"My ex, come on." He pecked my lips and we started jogging.
I felt my simmer, and I knew they were blue again. I got slow and let go. "Why'd you stop?" He asked.
I looked up and saw my eyes were blue and I was normal. He picked me up like a leaf and carried me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and put my head on his cold, bare, wet chest. ~
"Put her down." I heard a familiar voice say, after while. I guess I fell asleep to Jackson's steady heart beat.
I felt Jackson turn around. "Who the hell are you?" Jackson asked.
"You're hold my mate." Ryan said.
"I'm not yours Ryan." I said. I lifted my head, and saw Zack, Nath, Rick and Malcom by his side.
"Come on Sydney." Malcom said. I looked at him like he was stupid.
"Go away, I don't want anything to do with you." I said hugging closer to Jackson.
"I'm sorry Sydney. It was an accident." Malcom said taking a step closer, as Jackson took a step back.
"What he do to Syd." Jackson asked me in a low voice.
I whispered to him that he shot me and lifted a part of my shirt to show him the wound. His eyes turned red and I saw his fangs grow long and sharp. Sexy.
"Calm down bat, it was an accident." Malcom said.
"You can't shoot someone on purpose, she's coming home with me where she'll be safe." Jackson said in a slithered voice.
"She is safe." Ryan said walking forward.
My eyes burned red, but my vampire fangs showed. I took advantage.
Ryan looked betrayed. "You left us no choice Sydney," Ryan said putting his hands up in surrender, and stepping back. "Girls you can take over." He said.
I saw Maddison, Candice, Clair, and April appear from behind four different trees.
"Come on Sydney, you're being redic- who the hell is that hot beast." Candice said looking at Jackson.
"Hi." He said.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me, he's stilling our mates too. No, fuck no." Nath says.
All of us girls started coming towards Jackson. "His name is Jackson, and he's mine." I stressed and they stopped.
"He's so cute." April said.
"The face, he's hot." Maddison said.
"I want him." Candice said.
They started walking till they got held back by their mates.
"They'res more of us at my house. Vampires are hotter than Werewolfs. Well except Sydney, she's a hot ass babe." Jackson said.
Ryan, didn't like the way Jackson spoke about me. He used his speed, and was over here quick. Ryan looked at me, but there wasn't that spark anymore. He was just a guy to me.
"Sydney, come on." Ryan said.
"Why?" I asked
"Alpha Hayes will not be happy that I let his daughter and only child. Turn into a blood thirsty bat. You're coming home with me, even if your wolf is dead." Ryan said getting closer to me.
"N-o. You shouldn't have been a terrible mate, and let Malcom kill me. You were right. Malcoms not you, He might've almost killed me, but he saved me to yet, the only think I can recall you holding up a gun to guy as Malcom pulled the trigger. The hurt more than a silver bullet. Now you're like your father, mateless." That was all I needed to say and he was walking to the house. "You're right." Was all he said.
Everyone left except Nath and Maddison. "Sydney Hayes, I owe my life to you, and I almost let you die. I not leaving, so if you want to be vampire I'm up for it. We both are." Nath said holding Maddison hand.
I looked at Maddison nodded. "You can keep your wolfs," I tell them then I looked at Jackson. "But who's going to them?" I asked Jackson.
"We'll find out when we get there, till then we have about twenty minutes to get home." I nodded and swung my arm around his waist, as Maddison did the same to Nath.
"Oh Nath hold her tight. Its summer and vampires are really horny and desperate this time of season." That's all Nath needed to hear, before started carrying Maddison bridal style.
I'm going to like the stay and I really like Jackson.
I'm Britney your Vampire. Jackson is yours. He's our mate.

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