Chapter 12 *Club Luna pt2*

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Malcom {POV}

I wasn't in for us going to the bathroom together. But the kiss said other wise.
"Kiss me Malcom." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Not here Sydney. Look around we're in a werewolf batroom. Wait till we get ho-" I try and tell her, but stops me with a kiss.
"You talk to much." She said kissing me again.
She bit my bottom lip, but I didn't budge. She unzipped my pants smiling with her eyes still closed. She put her hand in my boxers and a moan escaped mouth giving her the opportunity that she wanted to slip her tongue in my mouth.
I was slowly losing control at her touch. One more slide and it's only lust.
She took her hands to the hem of my short and lifted slowly as her hands caressed my body.
It only took her touch. I love this girl so much. I took her shirt off over her head, breaking out kiss. Her shirt knocked her hat off, but I wasn't worried about the stupid hat.
Sydney started to tease me as she slowly pulled up my shirt. I pulled my shirt off, knocking my hat onto the floor. She giggled and I pulled her closer to me that and put my hand in her neck, holding her gentle head. I pulled her lips to mine, and she moaned in satisfaction.
There was a sudden knock on the door. "Is anyone in here?" I growled at the woman that was tempted on intruding.
"We're busy!" Sydney yelled.
"I need to use the restroom." She said politely. Her voice was music to my ears, but I wasn't trying to be interrupted after Sydney said never again.
"Go to the extra stalled bathrooms." I said.
"They're full of loving mates." She said.
I opened the door. "Look lady me and my girlfr-" I looked at the girl, and the world stopped. The music got quieter and my heart beat speed up. "Mine!"
"Malcom, come on." Sydney said. But I only growled at her. I no longer wanted her. I wanted my beautiful mate standing in front of me.
I slammed the door on my mates face. I gave Sydney a kiss. But it no longer felt the same. I stepped back and put my shirt and hat on, I zipped and buttoned my pants.
"Malcom what's going on?" Sydney asked. It pained me to tell her knowing she's been through a lot, and I would've been added to the a list of no good boyfriends. "I'm sorry Sydney, but, we can't be together anymore." I tell her.
Her eyes start to shine and wail up with tears. "Why not?" She asked.
"My mate, is on the other side of the door." I say, and her tears jump without bungy cords, and she began to weep.
"Okay." Was all she said. She put her shirt on, and she left the hat on the counter.
I felt as if my heart had broke and only half of it was healed.
She opened the door. "Lucky you." She mumbled. I wanted so much to go after her, but my mate stopped me.
"We have some catching up to do." She said. Her touch was as if I was just electrocuted, but with pleasure.
I no longer wanted her. I wanted Sydney.

Sydney {POV}

I knew I was drunk before, but the news I just received drained me of all the liquor.
That didn't happen, he promised me he'd be with me all night. Fuck! I fell for a fake, again.
I regret listening to Candice. I regret falling for Malcom. I regret not killing my self when I had the chance, only if Candice didn't save me.
My eyes were blurry with tears and I was looking down, trying not to grab anyone's attention. It was going well until I walked right into a wall, so I thought.
The connection was weird electricity ran throughout my whole body. When I looked up, it was the Ryan guy. He had grey eyes mixed with a really light blue. But it changed when he my red eyes and wet cheeks. He was mine, but I wasn't in the mood.
"Sydney, who did this to you?" He asked.
"No one." I said. He grabbed my arm a little harsh. "Who did this to you!?" He yelled.
Suddenly, Ryan fell to the ground and defensive growl came from behind. Malcom.
He grabbed me, and held me close. I was so comfortable in his embrace. When I remembered he caused me this distinctive pain. I pushed myself away from him.
"Sydney, please hear me out." He begged.
I stopped and looked at him, he looked hurt that he caused me to feel this way.
"Where's the one you're destined to be with, the girl you left me for? Why aren't you with her?" I asked.
"Sydney please listen. Please." He begged.
I nodded, but before he could start, he was tackled to the ground.
I pulled Ryan off of Malcom, and I left. I have to find Candice and tell about my mate, her mate situation.
When I found Candice she was still sober and was talking to Zack.
"Where's Cameron?" I asked her.
"With his mate." She sounded bitter, and defeated, wow.
"Zack, can I borrow Candice?" I ask him, it was a bit hard to see him, with the on and off lights and fake colour lazers shooting around everywhere.
"Sure." He said and he began talking to Rick and April.
"Where's Malcom?" She asked.
"He found his mate, but I think he rejected her for me. But after he found her I got upset and ran into my mate and they began fighting. I pulled Ryan off Malcom and had to come and find you." I said as tears tried to escape my eyes.
"I'm so happy for you, but why are you coming to me?" Candice asked completely oblivious to the fact I have two and only found one, and who ever I except one the other is hers.
"I don't have one mate Candice. I have two, and one of the-" I didn't get to finish, when someone yelled.
"WEREWOLF FIGHT!" It sounded like a guy, and I knew exactly who was fighting, but I thought I stopped it.
I gave Candice one glance and she already knew. We both ran over to the fight. They've already shifted to their wolves.
But they weren't Ryan or Malcom. It was Cameron and some guy. Candice started rout for the guy, she began to hate Cameron. I saw a really pretty girl getting held back as Cameron was getting pondered into the floor. The other guy was twice his size and was about to kill him.
Cameron probably hurt my best friend, but he was a good guy, who didn't deserve death for loving his mate. "Candice go to the trunk of the car to get clothes for Cameron and I." I tell her ina alpha tone, she had no choice but to listen.
I shifted and tackled the wolf three times my size, into the wall.
A lot of people cheered at my bravery. 'Pretty she-wolf it's not your fight, leave before leave dead.' He tells me.
'Why are you fighting my friend.' I asked.
'He stole my girlfriend.' He says.
'My boyfriend left me for his mate, but you don't see me fighting with the girl.' I tell him.
'Then you didn't love him, Luna.' He snarls. I did love Malcom and he set it off, I wasn't going to let him leave here consious.
I charged at him still level to the ground, when I tried to bare my teeth into his neck, I was tackled by a grey wolf. I don't know him, but he was a friend the other guy.
His techniques were so familiar, he was from my pack. He looked so familiar.
Tait. My wolf told me. I stopped trying to kill him. But why was he grey he was a sandy color and white. He's grey. He's rogue.
Then a white came into contact with him, but it wasn't Rick. Nath? Shouldn't he be with his mate, instead of protecting me.
'Go Sydney!' He says.
'Get off him Nath, he's an old friend.' I tell him.
'He's rogue Sydney.' He protest.
'So were you. Come on.' He gave me a look of pity, and reluctantly got up. Cameron followed behind Nath and me.
We decided we would walk home to the pack house. Tonight was not a good night.
My ex-boyfriend went rogue.
Malcom found his mate and probably rejected her for me.
Thanks to Malcom dumping me, I was too upset to talk to my mate.
Candice doesn't even know that one of my mates will fall for her.
What have this one night lead to?

Woah okay I know it might've been a little boring but guess what it all leads to be better this book isn't even close to be over.
I know I said this was going to be the last chapter for the silver eclipse pack, but it'll have to be extended a little longer, I have no idea the stay would've last this long.


<3 I'll update soon £>

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