Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov:

I tossed the sixth empty cup of coffee in the trash bin and sighed.It was the sixth cup of the evening,not of the whole day.I consumed more caffeine today than I usually did.

I was actually working overtime today.I usually left the office around five or six but today I had to stay for a little longer.

Not a little longer though.It was past nine and my brain was already on the verge of shutting down and taking rest right then and there.

I glanced at Mr.Jeon's cabin's door.He was also there while most of the employees left by eight.Mr.Jeon usually stayed till nine everyday.He always asked me to finish work by five and leave and said he can handle the rest of the work by himself.

But today I had to stay and he said he was so sorry for keeping me till late though there was not any need for him to be sorry.I worked for him so it was my duty.

I saved the file,sighed and leaned back on the chair,running my hands over my face.

"Ms.Hwang?" I jolted up at Mr.Jeon's sudden voice. "Mr.Jeon!" I stood up. "You haven't left yet?I thought you did." He spoke.

"No.I was just about to finish and how can I leave without informing you!" He gave a nod. "Well,finish up.I'll drop you home tonight."

"No no Mr.Jeon,it's fine.I can go by myself." "I know you can but it's almost ten and I am not letting you go alone in some random uber.Moreover your house is on the way to mine so it's not a big deal."

"O..Kay." I agreed cause arguing with him was like arguing with a wall.He would eventually make me agree.I didn't know what power this man held on me.

"I'll be taking out the car from the parking lot.Come quickly." He smiled and walked away.

I quickly wrap up my things and went to the street as I already found Mr.Jeon waiting in his car.I went to the back passenger seat and tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Sit at the front,Y/n." I hated and loved it at the same time when he called me by my name.My name sounded so honeyed in his voice.

His voice was like a sweet venom that was flowing through my veins to my soul.

"Come on!Don't just stand there." I nodded and went to the front passenger seat. "Wear the seatbelt." He said as if I wasn't gonna do that.

"Have you eaten something after lunch?" He asked while starting the car. "Yeah.Ten cups of coffee and air." He let out a laugh.

"That means you are starving.Wanna stop by a street food market and have dinner?It will be on me." "Umm..But-" "I am hungry too." I thought for a few seconds.Having free food from your boss wasn't a bad idea,right?

"Okay then.I am in." He smiled and focused on driving while we made some small talk.

Around fifteen minutes later,we reached a night market.Mr.Jeon parked his car at a side and we got down. "Take it as my apology treat for keeping you till late hour today."

"Mr.Jeon,I told you it's not a big deal.And thanks for the treat.I owe you one now too after this." We went to a less crowded shop.

"So,what do you wanna have?" "Tteokbokki and soju." "Okay,tteokbokki and so- What?" He looked at me with a brow arching. "Soju." I smiled innocently.

"You can't drink,sorry " He turned the other way. "I can!I promise I won't drink like that night.One bottle of Soju won't hurt."

"What do you mean one bottle of soju won't hurt?!" He glared at me like a mother glaring at her stubborn kid. "We will share Mr.Jeon.I am not drinking the whole bottle alone."

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