- Table of Fonts -

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I'm going to be using a couple different fonts here, so heres what they all mean(even though you can probably guess most of these):

Bolded letters: State of high emotion, or general emphasis.

Italic letters: Narration notes examples, change in perspective, actions without thought, area description

WiGgLy lEtTerS: voice crackes, most likely to be used when Character is surprised or scared

"Quoted letters": General speech/talking

' Apostrophe surrounded words ': air quotes since it would get confusing if I used actual qoutes for it


lack of uppercase letters: Soft talking, most likely to be used when a character is shy

M-Many d-d-dashed l-letters: Suttering

Underlined letters: Author notes

Regular letters: Thoughts of any kind

Ok now you can read the story 👍

Wooah, future author here, join the discord if you haven't already!
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