Chapter 17. Relief

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Yall did it, y'all have earned the two doing things.


Solar's perspective:

Solar hangs up the phone, to realize that he need to go get Ruin from the daycare, he speeds on over to the daycare, slowing down before opening up the gates.

As Solar takes a step into the daycare, he's quickly pulled into a hug with Ruin.


"H-Hi Ruin!"

It seemed as though Sun and Ruin where talking about something.

Ruin lets go of Solar and the two walk out of the daycare, holding eachothers hands while doing such.

"So... Where do you wanna go Ruin?"

"Hmm... I'm kinda tired- I think my batteries getting low- Can we just find somewhere to charge?"

"Hmm... Parts and services? Thats where we usually charge."

"Hmm... Sure!"

The two start on the way over to the parts and services room.



"I want to cuddle you, as in having you in my arms-"

Wait- that would mean that I'd be on their lap- AH-



"Ah- sure- mhm!"

Ruin laughs a bit as the to walk into parts and services.

Solar and Ruin get hooked up to the plugs and Ruin gestures for Solar to cuddle.

To be more extact, Ruin sits down on the ground, and pats their lap for Solar to sit on.

"Solar~ Cuddle with me!"

"hm- yeah- ok-!"

Solar sits down ontop of Ruin's lap, facing towards them as he cuddle in more, and Ruin wraps their arms around his waist, squeezing it slightly.


Ruin kisses Solar.

"Goodnight my love."
Ruin powers off.

Ok- OK... Why did I want them to do more to me-

I just want them so much- I want them to touch me- everywhere-

I don't think I can sleep- well power off- in this state- my minds running wild-

Solar digs his head into Ruin's shoulder.

Solar starts to dream off, letting his imagination take control.

Solar imagines a odd world, though it starts off as any other day.

Solar wakes up, still in Ruin's hands, though their awake, and gliding their hands around Solar's body.


"You're finally up my Solar!"

"Y-Yeah- um- what- ah~"

"Do you like what I'm doing~?"

Hmm- why- this feels amazing...

Solar nods.

Solar's cooling system starts up, his fans whirring loudly.

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