Chapter 15. Rage

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This chapter takes place after chapter 14.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin's eye sight goes back to normal as their bloodlust fades away once again.

Ruin stands up, throwing away the person's limbs.

Ok I might've gone a bit too far-

Ruin looks around, starting on their way back to the pizzaplex.

Ruin enters the pizzaplex, noticing that no visitors are here.

Oh-! Seems like theres no work for Solar today I guess-

Hmm... Where would Solar be...

I should check the karaoke room!

Thats where I last saw him afterall!

Ruin goes over to the karaoke room, inspecting it though not finding anything.

Hm... Where could-

Ruin feels a large impact on the back of their head, falling over.

"OoOoh look brother! They've shortened then the last time we saw them!!"


Ruin turns around to see none other then Bloodmoon.

Oh fuck-

"Yes brother! They've become weaker then last time! This'll be fun!"

Ruin back up, using their arms to move back a bit.

"Leave me the fuck alone-"

"Oh but I'd be so fun to get our revenge for what you did. Yes yes. We are gonna end you."


Ruin stands up grabbing the mic stand and holding it almost like a sword.

"You became 'good' that's all we need. How pathetic that you've fallen so low! Brother let's kill them now!! Oo yes we will!"

FUCK WHAT AM I GONNA DO- I could kill them but-


"The others are boring. We'll deal with them after you."

Bloodmoon with their shortened stance lunges at Ruin, attacking and pulling off their metal suit as Ruin trys to deflect the throws.

Solar's perspective:

Solar follows Moon into the daycare, Moon leads him over to the computer, which shows some odd stats.

"... So why am I here?"

"Ok so... The object Ruin gave me- I ran it through a bunch of tests and- all of them showed signs of life- and emotion."



"To be more exact, rage, anger, hate, that form."

"... This doesn't make any sense you know?"

"I know but- thats what it is- and it has Eclipse's core integrated into it- and I can't get rid of it."

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