Chapter 1. The Aftermath

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This chapter takes place right after chapter 24 in my last book!


Solar's perspective:

Solar picks up Ruin and types something into his gps system, and starts running for the daycare.

I-Im gonna fix you Ruin...

I'll bring you back to me...

As Solar runs towards the daycare, Sun, Moon, Monty, Lunar, and Earth run after him.

Solar goes into the somewhat destoryed daycare and runs straight into parts and services, abd starts to try and remake Ruin's body.

I- I can do this- Yeah I can- I can fix them- I-I I just need to make a whole new body- w-with no materials-

.... I can't do this- I'm smart but- I- I have nothing to work with...

Seems like they raided the place to make those odd weapon things they where using...


Moon run's into the parts and services room, somehow out running the others by a bit.


Moon hunches over a counter, the oil loss seems to be gaining on him.

Solar turns around.

I almost forgot about my family-

Wow I'm pathetic.

... Ruin's gonna have to wait a bit-

"... Sorry- We should go look for materials- theres nothing here-"

"That's not what I meant- what are you doing with Ruin- they tried to kill us."

"... don't worry about it..."

"... Fine- but you are gonna go look for materials, the rest of us are starting to run out of-"
Moon powers off, falling face first into the floor.

I'm gonna guess Moon was gonna say 'run out of oil'.

Solar looks back and forth between Moon and Ruin, then goes up to Ruin's body, and gives it a little kiss tap on their broken face.

"Please stay there... I'll fix you as soon as possible!"

Solar moves Moon's unconscious body into a chair and goes out of the part's and services to look for some materials.

Lunar's perspective:

... What the ever living- 🐬 happened-

Wait the censor works in my mind as well-?


That doesn't make any sense- well none of this does actually-

Lunar stands next to Monty, who's trying to close off the not so intentional broken bits of Foxy.

"Hey Monty-?"

"Yeah Lunar?"

"Is it just me or this whole situation really confusing-?"

"Not just you, I have no idea what just happened- but, I think we won-?"

"... Ruin sacrificed themselves for Solar- right-? Thats what happened right?"

Monty freezes for a minute, with a really confused look on their face.

"Seems like it, you where right."



"You said that love may conquer all or something- if Ruin really did just sacrifice themself for Solar, then it's probably due to love- or something."





Lunar's eyes shine in pure shipper energy, then Pollux and Castor appear to question what just happened.

Solar's perspective:

Solar goes outside the pizzaplex and starts to gather the broken pieces of the weapons that the person and Ruin where using.

How is this even possible- devices that can destory land- and not made from star power...

Maybe I should keep some of these to investigate further...

Solar ends up finding about 40 of these weapons, the labels on them being teared up quite a bit due to the fall

M... N.... S.... R....


... Yeah theres no way I'm testing out what these do-

Solar starts heading back to the pizzaplex, having to walk around pit holes and people who are being rushed to the closest working hospital.


I don't think these humans are gonna last that long-

Solar renter's the pizzaplex, seems like Monty and now Earth are trying to keep in as much oil for everyone as possible before they power off.

Castor and Pollux are asking them all a hundred questions about what happened most of them going unanswered.

"... I got some metal, I'll go repair Foxy first- he's the most damaged."

Eveyone nods in agreement, and Earth hands Foxy over to Solar, who's still twitching violently.

... This is gonna be a long day.

Solar sets down Foxy on a chair and starts to dismantle the weapons.

Nothing that out of the ordinary...

What the 🐬 are these things...

Solar starts getting to work on Foxy.


Somewhat short chapter for the first! I was gonna wait a bit till I started the second book, but I was bored so- yeeeeeaaaah.

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