Chapter 16. Jack

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Yall better get the title reference, this chapter takes place after chapter 15.


Solar's perspective:

Ruin lets go of Solar's body, though grasping onto his hands, surrounding them with their hands.

"Ruin. Lets go to part's and services to get you fixed-"

"... ok... Just as along as you're safe I don't care what we do."
Ruin kneels down and places a kiss on the kuckles of Solar's hand.

Ah- cute- so cute-

I want them so bad-

Maybe I should just ask- no not now. Theres more important things to attend to right now.

Ruin stands up and lets go of one of Solar's hands, though keeling a strong grasp on the other.

"I'll lead the way Ruin."


Solar and Ruin walk over and into parts and services.

"You can sit over there-"

Solar points over at a chair next to a repair desk.

Ruin goes over and sits down, though keeping their eyes glued on Solar.

"I'll get some parts and I'll get you fixed right on up!"

"... Thank you Solar..."

Ah- cute-

"It's no problem Ruin!"

"... You're the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Even- over your existence?"


I was not expecting that-

Ah- cute- hot- concerning-

"Well... You're my second favorite thing to happen in my life I'd say."

Ruin sits up a bit, almost like if they where about to fight someone.

"First would be deciding to leave my home planet."

Ruin softens their pose back to normal.

Heh... So cute...

Solar grabs a welder and a precolored piece of metal and walks over to Ruin.

"You don't have any sensors in your head right-?"

"Not many why?"

"This might hurt a bit- just sit still ok?"

Ruin nods.

Solar walks up close to Ruin and starts closing up the broken bits, luckily only the outer metal was really broken, everything else was just stained with blood.

"I'm gonna wash you after this."


Ruin jumps a bit.

"Ruin. My love. I said, DONT MOVE."

Ruin sits up straight, well mostly straight due to their slightly bended back.

"Also, yes I'm gonna wash you. This blood has started to stain the metal a bit, and I don't think we want Fazbear on our tail for homing a murder."

"... sorry..."

"Its ok Ruin."

Solar finishes closing the broken parts on Ruin's head and turns of the welder, putting it down on its stand afterwards.

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