Chapter 31. Sent back in Time

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This chapter takes place the mid-day after chapter 30.

This chapter was written on the Fourteenth of February.


Solar's perspective:

Solar wakes up, standing up from Ruin's lap, and sitting next to them.

... Today... Later today...

I don't think I'm prepared for this...

I don't want to pick the wrong choice...

Though... It I don't pick... I lose etheir way...

"R-Ruin- when are you gonna wake up..."

Almost as if on command, Ruin starts to power on.

"hmm... Solar-"


"Solar... It's Valentine's day!"

"O-Oh yeah- I almost forgot about that- you know with... The situation at hand..."

"... Yeah... Would you still like to be my valentine Solar-?"

Solar quickly starts to overheat, mind running wild with possibilities.

Solar nod's happily, almost forgetting completely about his worries.

"Y-Yeah! I'd love to be your Valentine!"

... Are we gonna have sex-



"A-Are we gonna do anything... Special-?"

"... Well... What would you like to do my lover~?"

"I- Um-"

Ruin goes ontop of Solar, pinning him to the ground.

Ahh- fuck- I- This almost feels wrong- Im gonna be going against them later... Having... Fun before is gonna make it awkward-

I- I want this so badly though...

"... I- I want to have some fun with you..."

Ruin chuckles a bit, before giving Solar a kiss and starting up Solar's legs, making sure to touch all the sensors along the way.

"Aah~ fuck~"

"It's been a fair amount of time since we've done this~ are you ready?"

"Y-yeah- I'm ready- not like we're human this time~!"

"Y-Yeah- ok... I'm not going easy on you~"

I'm so excited-!

Ruin squeezes Solar's thigh area, pushing onto his sensors.

Solar starts overheating a lot, his fans struggling to keep up.

Ruin- always does this for me-

I wanna pleasure them to...-

Solar wrals their legs around Ruin's waist, touching some of their dulled sensors.

A sudden shock of pleasure goes through Ruin's body, causing a loud lewd moan to escape their voicebox.

W-Woah- that was- a reaction-

"Y-You are asking so hard to get fucked right now~"

Uh oh-

Ruin starts aggressively hitting all of Solar's sensors, prioritizing the ones at Solars pelvis area.

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