Chapter 7. Odd

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This chapter takes place after chapter 6.

Also... You can't stop me.


Ruin's perspective:


Maybe I shouldn't have done that-

"That was amazingly funny-"

Solar picks up Ruin, spinning them around and laughing.

"Woa-h- Solar!"

Solar freezes and puts them back down.


"It's ok- I was just a bit dizzy though-"


The two stare at eachother.

Ruin's head suddenly pulses, they hutch over a bit, their eyesight gaining a reddish tint.


"Ruin are you ok-?"


"Y-Yeah just a headache I think-"

"Well I was just spinning you- are you sure you're ok though?"

"Yup. One hundred percent ok!"

I need to get away from Solar-

Solar picks up Ruin, and starts walking towards the fazcade.

Uh- oh-


Solar giggles a bit, and continues to carry Ruin.

This isn't good- This isn't good-

I-I thought my bloodlust was gone-

It's only in the early stages for now- I'll be fine for a bit-

Solar eventually brings Ruin into a karaoke room and sets Ruin on one of the seats, cuddling into them nicely.

Solar has trapped me in the cutest and worst way possible-

I don't wanna hurt him.

Or anyone here-

... Well at the very least not Solar!

Ruin cuddles into Solar a bit.

I'll be fine for at least a couple days...

I thought that once that person died I'd be fine-

I was wrong though.

Very wrong.

Solar powers off in Ruin's arms.



I love being this close to you but- AAAAAH-


Cuddling me like this...

Nice and close...

During my bloodlust-



I have time.

I'll just act like everything's ok for now.

Ruin powers off.

Timeskip: The next day.

Solar's perspective:

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