Oneshot - Travel to the Past

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I was gonna write this to fit into the main story, but- it wouldn't had made much sense so- ONESHOT!


Solar's perspective:

Solar and Ruin had been discussing the past of the two, Solar knowing his past in great detail, while Ruin... Didn't remember anything.

"Ruin- Do you ever want to know what your past is?"

"... Maybe... Theres a couple things I would change."

"What would you change?"

"I don't know. I don't remember anything!"

Ruin awkwardly laughs, though looking kinda sad though.

"You know... You could anyways- vist the past persay-"


Oh fuck what did I just say- well I didn't lie but-

"W-Well-! You hypothetically could make a alternative universe of an already existing one- but in the past-"

Ruin jumps up, excitedly jumping onto Solar.

"I can visit the past!?"

AH- their being so cute-

"Y-Yeah but- um- it's kinda- complicated- since you can't remove that dementsion afterwards- and you could accidentally make a lot of problems-"

"Oh... Though its possible right!"


"I wanna go to my past! With you!"


Solar starts to overheat, Ruin gives Solar a little kiss.

Then gets up and grabs Solar's hand hoisting him on his feet.

"Ok-! I can ask Moon in a bit-"

"How long!"

"Um- at the most ten minutes-"


"Ruin- are you sure you're ready to visit your literal past-?"

"Mhm! I don't know what life was like for a long time- I just remember specific events or moments... I wanna remember who I was..."

"Ok- that- that was cute-"

Ruin smiles, pulling Solar into a hug.

Something is gonna go wrong-

Some time passes and now Ruin and Solar are about to enter the portal.

Ruin's perspective:

I'm ready for this right-?


I have Solar with me! As long as Solar's by my side I'll be ok!

Ruin grasps Solar's hand, and the two jump in on Moon's command.

The world is broken and dismantled, bombs going off in every direction, shots fired at building from building.


"RUIN- Calm down-"

"Y-Yeah- Ok..."

Ruin holds Solar's hand tight, the two seemed to have spawned in a forest, though also right on the edge of the more open urban destoryed area.

What- I remember this- but- it's different- it's- less... Burned-? I don't know how to describe it...

"Solar- how far in the past are we-?"

"Um- I think Moon said we're about two fifths through your stay here-"

"what does that mean-"

Solar shrugs, and then the two feel a cild hand on both of their shoulders.

"Who are you."

Ruin and Solar get go of eachother, falling forward a bit and turning aroundz to see a destoryed and mangled Ruin.

Woah- I looked ugly in the past-

"I'm you! In the future-"

"Shut it with your bullshit. That's not possible."


"Who might you be?"

"Um- I'm Solar- and we went to your present- though Ruin's past since- Ruin doesn't remember much about their past-"

"Ok. Tell me something only I would know."
Past Ruin leans close towards Ruin, which is fairly intimidating seeing that Past Ruin is taller.



"Um- Well- Um- we used to- pretend to date a rock- I think- if I remember correctly-"

That past Ruin steps back a bit, somewhat embarrassed by that.

"Ok fine I believe you, but who the hell is that-"

Past Ruin points at Solar.

"I-Im your- future boyfriend-"

Past Ruin walks back a bit, clearly not expecting that response.


Ruin nods happily.


"Back to the matter at hand- do you remember- how- this situation came to be-?"

Ruin gestures towards the active battle zone.

"Uh- It was some time ago- but I think I remember- it was not too long after we became one- and some odd creature started doing... Something- I don't remember actually-"

Ruin seems disappointed as the past them holds their head, trying to remember what exactly happened.

"I don't remember anything else-"


"We should get going-"


"Wait- where did you guys come from-? I don't remember a look a like Sun named Solar."

"... Well I'm from a completely other dementsion- and we both stay in another dementsion that is different from our home dementsions-"

"You can go now-"
Past Ruin walks off, clearly disinterested in the details.

"That was disappointing..."

"Yeah- We could try going even farther back-"

"No. It's fine..."

Solar calls Moon, and the two teleport back home.


WoooOooO ONESHOT! This chapter is NOT connected to the rest of the story!

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