Chapter 10. Where

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Takes place the day after chapter 9.


Solar's perspective:

Solar slowly powers on, dizzy, and in pain.


What happened again-

Oh yeah-

ECLIPSE HIT ME WITH A STICK- was it a stick-

Solar feels oil drip from his head.

Well that's not good-

How am I gonna get out of here-

Solar tugs on the chains a bit, feeling the metal scratch his hands.

OW- that's not gonna work-

Suddenly Solar heards a loud booming voice go through the speakers, Eclipse to be exact.

"Don't try to escape. You're little bOyFrIeNd was lucky."

"Why did you say it like that-"

"Probably since you seemed really surprised when I told you what your boyfriend did."


"They where protecting themself."

Theres no other explanation.

"As far as you know."

"What do you want from me."

"It doesn't matter. YOU don't need to know."

He doesn't have an idea of what he wants-

Still as pathetic as always.

No reason for anything he does.

Just a stupid line of code.

"You know, you're a LOT like ME."

Solar's eyes widen tremendously, shaking his head back in forth in disbelief.


"Oh but you are. You killed your Moon. Who says you can't do it again?"

"How do you know that."

"... Doesn't matter. Have fun."

A loud beep goes through the speakers.


I hope the others are ok...

They probably notice by now...

That I'm gone...

I want Ruin here- no- I don't want Ruin to be tied up to- I just miss them...

I want Ruin.

I wonder what their thinking about...

Their probably worried...

I wish I could tell them somehow that Im here...

I want Ruin... So badly...

I wonder what Ruin would feel like if-

Solar's fans start up, his cooling system going on full force.



Very gald theres no cameras here-

Extra gald I don't have to deal with- human parts-

Ruin's perspective:

Ruin ended up falling asleep in the daycare, Sun and Moon not bothering to wake them up or move them at all.

They power on.

"Is Solar back yet?"

"No. We still can't find him Ruin."

"W-We are trying our beST though!"

Ruin groans, seemingly about to power off again.

"Ruin get the hell up- I'll give you the list of bunkers to check. You can't just stay powered off all day."

Moon hands Ruin a list, and Ruin slowly stands up and takes the paper.


Ruin exits the daycare, then the pizzaplex, on the way to the nearest bunker.


Solar's not here...

Ruin goes through hundreds of bunkers, not finding Solar anywhere.

Eventually they make it to the magic pool, or what is left of it.

"What is this-"

They see odd writing on the ground in front of the large pit.

"This is weird-"

"I just wanna find Solar."

The magic pool starts to glow, showing the U-3 bunker.

Then it goes back to normal.

"That literally makes no sense- is that where Solar is-? Eh its worth a shot I guess, better then just going bunker by bunker..."

Ruin steps away from the magic pool, starting on the way to the U-3 bunker.

I'll find you Solar.

Even if it's the last thing I do.


SHORT CHAPTER TODAY- I was gonna do more with Solar- but we don't have enough comments yet so it didn't happen 👍

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